LOL this is so not what happened. But I'm not surprised since canon and context always were the Bellarker's big enemy.
LOL this is so not what happened. But I'm not surprised since canon and context always were the Bellarker's big enemy.
"Canon" is every Bellarker's trigger word because they know nothing they see in this show is canon.
I'm not saying this is a rule. It's just something I noticed quite often. I know that there are people who like it from the first to the last episode. With this show I noticed that there is a segregation in the fandom between the first two seasons and the last ones.
With this show I noticed that people who didn't like the first two seasons that much, like myself, love seasons three and four. People who loved the first two seasons think the show went downhill in season3. So you might want to carry on.
Shaw's escape was just glorious!!!
If you ask 10 Bellarke shippers about Bellamy and Clarke's relationship status you will get ten different answers varying from they are so in love with each other to in love with each other but haven't realized it yet to they are about to fall in love with each other.
Yeah this show went from being brilliant to producing a filler episode that needed a horror gimmick to make it interesting.
There's no narrative anymore just senseless violence for the sake of violence without any plot.
"Honestly…Barnes' cleaning-house opening scene was kind of fantastic."
*Badummm Tssss*
Greg Plagman said that they wanted to use it in an earlier episode but they waited because they wanted an epic moment for that song.
Finch didn't say anything to her and John just said "Root, you're back". Then she walked away.
It bugged me too that neither Harold nor John had no interest in what Root has been doing this past week (weeks??).
Well I guess Surgeons and their spouses have the same problem when they watch Grey's Anatomy. It's TV and 95% of the people have no clue what the characters on the show are talking about.
As someone already stated, these were Hakeem's friends and they knew about the watch. So there are not many explanations available. From Jamal's point of view this was the most likely.
Yes he can ;)
"nothing makes sense about how he comes to the conclusion that Hakeem is the one who had him set up."
I couldn't agree more with this review. This episode felt like two episodes combined in one. The first half awful the second one brilliant. These two halfs had practically no connection with one another.
And it would have been much better if it was about Helen Keller: the Musical!!!
That joke "wait, Glee is still on?" has stopped being funny two years ago.
Agreed. C+?? What grade does a bad episode get then?