Superior Spider-Man

Even someone inbicilic enough to call himself "Walrus King" knows how to do this fool's job better than him!

You wretched swine! A simple warning will not suffice. I have already taken matters into my own hands to stop this fool of his ways. If he does dies, it is on you for doing nothing. But he won't; I'm seeing to that.

Have you seen my wife?

This is fucked. Gohan isn't fully human, AND he's been training his whole fucking life. Go fuck yourselves.

All of Budweiser's profit comes from their marketing. Not from just having good beer. EVERYONE TRY MOOSEHEAD! YOU DON'T GET ANYTHING ASIDE FROM A GOOD DRINK!

They look dumb as fuck.

The Wayne offspring is nothing more than a mere boy. Correct you are in the fact that true heroes do not participate in movie-going. Him and his father should step aside and make way for myself, a superior hero in every way!

Paul Giamatti is the only choice for the Penguin you insufferable imbecile.


I think it's okay.

Do not be embarrassed. Sporting events are for the absent minded. Minds like ours -or mine, at least- are being put to better purposes! We posses the future! We will not be distracted by silly little games!


TLC may need a more…radical message.

Wise words from a truly wise man.

That fool. He should have finished off that weak worm Scheft.

Yours was near the top when I replied, you dope! To make light of these sort of things is never something a 'great' mind would come up with.

Not funny.

My superior sense of satire is obviously too clever to be gotten by the likes of you dim-witted dolts.

Disney, indeed, is nothing more than a pile of pilfering parasites! What gives them the right to feast on the fruits of another's sorrow and suffering!? Those criminals will no longer be fit for their common thievery…once I'm through with them!