
Damn. I'm so sorry to hear her cancer is back. I saw her last year, and it was a stunning performance.

Wow. I too hate Cat's in the Cradle and 1877-CARS4KIDS. Also to the extent that it has to be turned off immediately.

It was like having Quentin Tarantino direct just one scene…

oh, ok… but I still miss Skankin' Pickle!

I just did! I'm someone!

You know who I miss from the 90s? Skankin' Pickle!

Sparkle and Fade was the soundtrack to my personal destruction and rising. I can't get rid of the CD, but I can't listen to it. Just thinking about Summerland makes me cry, and I used to listen to the whole album SO LOUD it would rattle my teeth. Almost loud enough to burn myself clean. Sound like a teenager? No, I'm

Oh god, he's still hot… Sorry, no snark on, just reconstituted ovaries.

Among my little social group in the 90s, we would attempt the gayest-sounding word or phrase. 'Spritzer' was too obvious. The winners were, 'sparkling drop of retsyn', 'clothespins', and 'pamphlet'.

Sue. (To complete the old Mel Blanc routine)

For me, no question. The Shins, Wincing the Night Away.

Sure s/he is. Daily. Mock, mock, mockety-mock-mock. See I haven't turned into a small puddle of grease yet. MOCK!!! Wheee!!! You should try it!

Oh, honey, take a pill. IT'S FUN. And if it's not your brand of fun, go do your fun somewhere else.

What a little silly you are…

I dunno, I always liked it. But then I never paid it any more attention than it deserved. And now, I must shit.

Ok, when I saw Guardians of the Galaxy, I of course sat through the Howard the Duck easter egg at the end of the credits. I swear, all the oxygen sucked out of the room. Between the young folks who had no clue and the olds who went, "ah, shit, not again" it was as if God cut the cheese on the entire theater. All I

This feels so much like someone who identifies more with his public identity than who he is/was. How long since he knew himself? "I didn't do that; I'm BILL COSBY. Don't you know what that MEANS???" Great, pudding pop, have it your way.

Wow. Quark. My favorite character was the plant-based life form, Ficus.


AWWWW… This is stupid. I love Pete.