Alan Greenspan

Well shit, I would support them if they were gonna live up to their reputation and hatchet a bunch of cops and storm the White House.

Why would she suck an entire bag of dicks when one would be sufficient for her voracious dick hunger? -Crax

Its high time people learned that the Twitter audience does not want to be entertained, they want to be outraged, because anger spreads faster than funny. In that context, bad offensive (or offensively bad) jokes are the ideal content for the medium.

I'll probably enjoy it more than any of the hangover movies.

Banjos are the voice of God whispering to the masses "Kiss your cousin". It was too much power for that band.

I would be most upset that her dad brought her to an airport to get in a truck.

His lawyers were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should

It was the accents, wasn't it?

This is a clear cut example of why its so important that people arm themselves and be properly trained to use a gun. Or something.

Every attempt to get me to watch Game of Thrones has failed, yet mentioning there was a cat named Ser Pounce probably would have been all I needed.

I know Nazis, and you, Ms. Minaj, are no Nazi.

All I want to know is where does this leave weird al? Who did he parody? Did he get high first? So many questions.

Ratfinks, suicide tanks, and cannibal girls by white zombie drives me nuts lyrically. Especially since some of the lyrics are ????. Seriously, nobody knows the words. But then again, its zombie so you don't really need to.

Agree. In fact its almost a promise she could turn this info a quite lucrative career if she is able to get over the thought of people seeing her private parts a second time.

Ever since Dogma I fully accept Alanis's definition of irony.

We don't like Alanis Morissette? Crap. I'm getting old.

The rapey pedophile stuff

Pfft, media attention. Everyone assumes they are talking about Blackfish, but Sharknado and the sequel raised the bar for entertaining marine life. SyFy is the real heroes

Has anybody made Mitch Hedberg’s cottage cheese pastrami on banana bread sandwich?