The 60-Foot Virgin

British guy: "Stop trying to change our culture"
Indian guy: "But you've changed ours, and killed millions of us"

Meh…Trump wouldn't want a real billionaire in his campaign!

…ok then?

Oh don't worry. The US has amazing universities, but do you know how costly it is for a foreigner to study there? It's mind blowingly expensive. Besides, I am kind of scared of how much Americans love the 2nd amendment…

Ok, first of all I am not american nor would I ever want to study in the US. Second, of course people are the problem, I have no doubts about that, but hey…why does it cost so much to study "useless shit" in the first place? I mean, philosophy, history…why is it so expensive? Med school…that's something I can

To be fair, it wouldn't actually be "free". You would pay it through taxes, just like most nations in the civilized world. Or if that's just too much to ask, you could just pay…I don't know…an annual tuition!!!

Trump is the creation of the progressive left! Those politically correct lunatics that want equal rights and free college…MONSTERS!!!

In Brazil, some of our paint still contains lead - it's not illegal, so that might help - but our water is fresh - mine at least, don't know the rest. Wouldn't trust the tap water to drink though…

And the ones smart ain't that smart…f*cking college…

Maybe she was 35 years old when she was born. You never know…

I don't think it's something to brag about…

Nope, Trump fans prefer bathrooms…

"Hurr durr…it was only 20 minutes"

Pfff…it's Brazil! People attempt things all the time…lol

Sorry for the disclaimer! He is awful, but brazilians are pretty stupid in general…I AM SERIOUS! About 75% of the population is either illiterate or functionally illiterate…

VOTE REMAIN!!!! I still would like to visit your country without more bureaucracy…lol

And we have Bolsonaro. Seriously, don't even bother googling that monster, please, I beg you…

Pfff….that's nothing my Canadian friend. There is a guy here in Congress that is now being investigated for attempted murder and guess what? Our new president has chosen him as the new lower house leader! So that's a win-win right?

I was gonna make fun of you, but then I remembered that I live in Brazil, so…nevermind…

I am Jonah Ryan and I approve this message!!!