Oliver Queen

I gave you 3 different reputable sources that ALL conflict with that fairy tale you spouted. I'll go with the pros thanks, maybe you should go try to troll someone else.

Nice try, i go by facts, not fanboy-ism lol

Above Flash and Arrow?? What fantasy world do you live in?

Screw that, Melissa Benoist Fappening, it's freakin GLORIOUS !!!

These are not rumors lol. Constantine actor is currently in talks about appearing on Legends season 1 end / season 2 start. (His twitter)

TVGuide, Entertainment Weekly, TVShownumbers… You know, no one important lol.

First off, a redhead and a ginger are not the same thing.

I agree, i love that actor, but he shouldn't be Jimmy Olsen.

Black people can't be gingers lol, it's genetically impossible.

Rip is Booster's son.

My original comment was "I still dont understand why people hated that movie", which starred Hal, not Guy.

No I heard you fine. xD

Actually Ollie and Hal have been best friends for MANY decades dude lmao.

I still dont understand why people hated that movie.

Smallville had it.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard lol.

After season 12 supposedly, but if the boys want to they could keep that shit going forever, it's still the most watched show CW has lol.

Nope same universe.

Are you insane or just trolling?? Gotham is under everything DC related right now, hell even iZombie has better ratings then it lmao.

Gotham will never get a crossover because its a completely separate universe that's also set in the past. Plus it's ratings are so horrible right ow, I honestly doubt it'll make it to season 3.