
They both have weird hair and tiny hands.

You know an episode is good when 1) it's about Tina, 2) Gene/Louise pairing, 3) Bob finds another stupid thing to do.

Are we not gonna talk about the robot nanny~!?!?!?

Finally, Beyonce was mentioned.

Queer Gene!

Clean up, Aisle My Panties.

When Linda also noticed that Jocelyn got four carnations. That was hilarious.

It can be that time when Jules was still a hillbilly mom who just moved to Florida.

Just add a streak of blue hair.

Has anyone mentioned this yet?

Rhyme with Shmectic System.

*Gene voice* Too soon.

I loved this episode!

I smoked weed when I watched this ep too. Hi.

Yay another Gene episode! I agree with the review. Gene episodes are very complicated but there's something about Gene that I really love (maybe it's because we're both the middle child).

Titus is such a great character. I like his plot with Lillian, especially in this episode. Him singing "I'll Make Love To You" in a funeral got me literally laughing my ass off my bed.

I died at the Hello Kitty mascot implying that they have an orgy.

His evil side is giving me major sploosh.

I hope they give Cyril a good plot for next season. I'm digging his character development these last few episodes.

I love that these teens don't see Steven as a child. I wish teenagers were like them when I was a kid. Lol.