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    I really appreciate your insight on Mary because I like her character but hadn't pieced together her actions at the quilting circle tying into her feelings of being an outsider and wanting to belong. Oh, Mary. :(

    I took what Burn Gorman was saying at the end of the episode to mean he was asking for gravestones to test the loyalties of the town, that it wasn't even about what would make the best fortifications.

    I actually really enjoyed the Ben and Caleb plot ("It ain't treason if there's good reason"), something about all the hoops they went through to get their report to Washington only to have it revealed just HOW MANY reports Washington has on his desk really struck me (and made me laugh because of course).

    I read they've cast Wrenn Schmidt (Julia from Boardwalk Empire) as Elizabeth and Phillip's new handler. Her character's name is Kate, and she'll appear in the 5th episode.