
Really? Care to link even a single study? I'm sure I can get my hands on one that disproves it.


No, I use the same argument to dismiss obviously questionable claims, like 'they tracked me down somehow and called me on the phone'. there was like…1 other person commenting, i guess he was a master hacker or something?

Why on earth? It's not like it aided his argument in any way, shape, or form.

In this very post, a clear partisan made a ridiculous and unprovable accusation, which he himself acknowledged was unlikely to ever come to anything.

And this is when I ask for proof of when GGers have done that.

So your argument is: people who have done this, even though Elliott wasn't so much sexist as sex-starved and self-hating and insane, had a certain set of views, and GG you say has those views, and therefore it is OK to be afraid of them even if they haven't done anything?

You mean, the person who never said he was in our movement, never posted under our hashtag, and by all appearances, had nothing to do with us?

"Granted the game insists the Holocaust never happened, but saying that's a problem is unethical. How does it play?"

There's subjective, and there's subjective. For example, if you enjoyed the UI layout, even though not everyone would, then go ahead and make that known. On the other hand, if the game is blue and blue is your favorite color, you might want to take a step back on that.

Thanks for acknowledging I was correct by refusing to refute my argument :)

Minimum Maus, as I've covered before, there are two issues.

If GamerGate started a hashtag, #killallwomen, do you really believe that people would just take it as a joke?

To the people who spout the theory of 'men want to kill themselves because they can't express their feelings!! GO FEMINISM!!!', are you telling me that in the 1950s men were wide open, feelings-wise? How about the 1900s? Lots of feminine men there?

Wage Gap isn't based on same jobs, but on all women versus all men
Statistically, men receive more harassment
As a man, I can't get a job as a prostitute just by being willing to suck dick and normal-looking. Do you have any statistics about 'harder time finding jobs' anyhow?
Men are more often the victims of domestic

Feminism states they are for equality

isn't that technically harassment? if Guest is a woman, aren't you guilty of harassing a woman on the internet?

No, the defense is that we more or less didn't do it; Brianna Wu proved she was willing to sockpuppet-attack herself when she posted a thread titled 'is brianna wu a terrible person', but on her own account. Is it such a stretch to believe that people who have made so much money and such a giant fuss over a few


If you encourage people to substantiate their claims, that's good.