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    For no good reason? The cop returns to the hospital and reveals all he knows to Dawn to compromise the safety of not only Beth and Carol at the hospital but the group in general. As for sympathy, I have none for cops that turn blind eyes to rapes carried out by other cops

    You might have done us all the courtesy of closing the door on your way out so we didn't have to endure your blathering.

    Something tells me Rick is not a misogynist rapist piece of trash. Shane made for a great character but as a person he was about as ignoble as it gets and there is no comparison.

    You defend an indefensible misogynist sociopath. You completely and utterly lack any semblance of moral or intellectual courage. End of story.

    Shane was a sociopath who almost raped his best friend's wife when she turned him down. You are comparing rapists and cannibals with a man who has simply done what he though was right to protect his family. You clearly lack the moral and intellectual prowess to process the issues at hand.

    In what universe is abducting and raping people or keeping them like cattle until you eat them even remotely comparable to doing what it takes to protect your family?

    Sorry but as soon as you say yes they rape them "but"… that "but" is more disturbing and disgusting than anything Rick Grimes could possibly do. It's rape for heaven's sake and you are sugarcoating it.

    Read The Road and tell me the father who does what it takes to protect his son is no better than cannibals and rapists. The only instability I see here is that of people who think the determination and drive to save one's people is even remotely comparable to cannibalism or rape.

    That cop's freedom was about to compromise the safety of both Beth and Carol were he to make it back to the hospital. What would have Rick do? Continue to say Stop?

    Rick is comparable to the father in The Road doing whatever it takes to protect his child. He is hardly evil.

    That cop's freedom was about to compromise the safety of both Beth and Carol were he to make it back to the hospital. What would have Rick do? Continue to say Stop?

    That cop's freedom was about to compromise the safety of both Beth and Carol were he to make it back to the hospital. What would have Rick do? Continue to say Stop?