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    Yes, good comparison, although it seems Wilmore really wants to go for the laugh and enjoys a loud audience response (however sweetened with mic it is) to his opening monolog, or whatever is appropriate when he gets serious. (Odd as he has that softer voice drop off in the end that makes it difficult sometimes.) But I

    Some network exec is out there thinking, "hm…. Commentary Central?"

    Add to that the person in the lead role, who is so far best known as a model and whatever writing on sneak peeks or leaks I've seen don't really go out of their way to compliment the acting.

    And we all saw how much Stewart put effort into interviews towards the end especially - it's like a collective groan as soon as "interview" is brought up as an option.

    Prototype for cancelled edition is next seen offered for purchase on Pawn Stars.

    When a woman director won the Oscar (and not for something targeting a "women's picture" format either) that hardly opened up a flood of new films by women directors either.

    Ok sorry, one other…

    It's true Stewart seemed different at some point, most clearly by the point of having done his film, which I guess no one was expecting much from. But I guess it was clear to him at his send-off, just how important his show was to everyone, so there's that too.
    I can not really imagine Oliver satisfied with Daily Show

    Yes, those panels…. just not enough. And the bits were sometimes ok but yeah, not so often as they think. The basic strength was Wilmore who I thought was finally gaining his own voice and finding a way, he just had to transition out of that panel idea into something new. But retooling a show is not a real thing more

    I think those two shows success and newer format with two veterans from Daily Show really made it hard for comedy central to just explain all of their programming away. Maybe they aren't in the "news" format anymore, that could just be the reality.

    I really enjoyed to follow the SU nuke here than for example Bojack after the binge watch. The nuke philosophy works so well to just invest in a period of a few weeks, each day, and be surprised or moved etc. at how events turn, and bring that as well into the discussion. I looked forward to the reviews. The binge

    I've heard interviews with him in the past year or so, just talking about music, and it always strikes me that he's so at ease. And surprisingly contradictory, there's this person who has honest enjoyment recalling first hearing the Beatles, rock, and still wants that, and then the one who dismisses it for other

    I'd love to see him give any House episode a try only as Bertie Wooster instead. I still greatly prefer scripted UK comedian Laurie to American tv series Laurie.

    Speaking of Rose … the way SU has been creatively expanding and adding more layers this year, it seems to make sense (despite any verifiable reason) that Pantone's Color of the Year 2016 is "Rose Quartz."

    Yeah I don't know what happened - when he was on Comedians in Cars he was also underwhelming and took pains to point out he shouldn't address the elections… it's almost like he got some notes. But that's just the election coverage, I'm more than confident he's still got some great shows ahead.

    Thank GOD you got the point! You got my m.o. And from way up there from your lofty view too. Sorry I kept misleading and redirecting by repeating my main, clear, direct point (again: Silverman>comments > as if bad "manners">in context of >DNC recent mistakes> whereby why not if Sanders delegates no longer feel

    Oh I see you actually want to talk about this. It changes my original point about Silverman how? I originally commented, saying something about Silverman and the DNC framework isn't my automatically defending Sanders backers as having done anything right.
    My only suggestion is not to make blanket statements as to what

    Perhaps something was lost in the crossfire here.

    I don't care. Seriously, read my original comment - does anyone even do that anymore? - I don't care about Sanders voters nor delegates just because I criticized Silverman's attitude and the DNC frame it exists within, which I stand by, regarding the way suddenly everyone wants "manners." The votes came in no ones

    Seriously what word twisting. I didn't say anything to complain someone spoke their mind, which is a very rhetorical way of framing Silverman into some posterperson for free speech now. I addressed her attitude to speak like that - in that way - condescendingly. As if it were really all about "manners" - and mostly