
They were so spot on I'm still wondering if they were done by the actress Rosal Colon, or she lip synched to the actresses she was impersonating.

All the best bands are affiliated with Satan - Bart Simpson

I used to spend winters in Todos Santos back in the late 80's and 90's. The Hotel was called Hotel California back then, but everyone knew there was no actual connection with the song and that it was just a rumor that it served as an inspiration to the song.

Perhaps the best site for information on $cientology and Tony Ortega's post on this story along with the $cientology friendly nature of TMZ:

Wonder if this interview was conducted before Jason Lee left $cientology or after. I could see him calling JL "amazing" if it was before and saying "never heard of him" if it were after.

Remember seeing this when it first came out in the theater and enjoying it, though my date found it boring. About a year after it was released a friend of mine who was working with Robby Müller told me there was going to be an eight hour director's cut. Waited years in vain, but finally got to see the nearly 5 hour

That scene with Moore and the hockey assassins and the opening where the implied Blofeld offers to buy Bond a deli kind of keeps it in the goofy realm for me, but despite that, it's one of the better Moore era Bonds.

My only observation/mild complaint is saying "Scientology is a celebrity religion." True, there are celebrities in the cherch, but there are in all religions. True, Hubbard did have a plan to court and recruit celebrities, but when the big $cientology celebs are Cruise and Travolta who joined 30-40 years ago and there

Yeah, Winger's an easy punchline. Couldn't name a single song of theirs, but what I do know of them is that their drummer truly is damn good, having played in the (Dixie) Dregs back in the 70's. Couldn't believe he stooped so low after being so acclaimed as to stoop to playing hair metal. Guessing the money was good.

Those that listened to Journey, R.E.O. and Grand Funk (I won't include the others mentioned) didn't really care about those bands or their music. It was just disposable hits, made by disposable hitmakers; easily replaced by whatever new flavor came along. When I was coming of age in the late 70's and early 80's the

I was living in Venice Beach and happened to have the day off so I tripped on some good acid with a friend and wandered around the boardwalk/neighborhood. A crazy sand sculptor friend started yelling "O.J.'s on the run! O.J.'s on the run!" when he saw us and we watched it on tv at one of the local bars. He couldn't

There's even a creepy $cientology angle to this story:

Here's an idea; the show could just leave Glenn's fate up in the air. No reveal necessary.

Watched 'Focus' on DVD last night. BD Wong (and his mustache) not only steal the one scene he's in, but he's arguably the best part of the movie.

I've read, and get, all the arguments suggesting that TWD wouldn't give a character like Glenn such un uneventful death, or that it would need to be a mid-season finale death, or one more heroic or somehow more meaningful. But more often than not, death by zombie (I'm speculating here) would be far more routine and

Saw the Dio era Sabbath along with Blue Oyster Cult on the 'Black & Blue' tour when I was around 14 years old. Still laughingly remember the banner a couple of guys in the audience hung up: