
And more importantly, someone on the writing staff at SATC knew how to create an episode. There is zero structural work going on with Girls and no sense for pace or how to weight each particular subplot and really hasn't been since a few episodes in season 1. They don't know how to shape the material or craft hooks.

Thanks for explaining. Just the same, it's crazy to see that grade for this level of work.

He gets better.


What is this B+ bullshit? Titus in Wolfman drag alone should qualify this for an A. Can't imagine giving a B+ to a show that can still find a way to make a Nick Kroll bit funny or features the particularly awesome Tina Fey cameo we get here. Or the Robert Osborne appearance. I'm not sold on the immigrant boyfriend

It's true and it's weird. For as much as Netflix is spending and programming, their interface is truly, truly terrible and for no good reason. You can say that broadcast tv sucks because of commercials, product placement and the need to promote other network material every chance they get. Netflix has none of these

You're wrong here, Craig. I'd encourage you to watch at least 6 or so before weighing in. There's a chance it's just not for you but it's nothing like bad work. That said, NBC passing is a sign of the times more than anything. They're not set up to carry this kind of work anymore. 30 Rock and Parks were last

It's a pilot. It's a starting point and yeah, it's going to be rough. You can tell it's rough by how quickly these episodes get good. By 6 or so, this things is mowing lawns.

I feel like she's perfect and I wasn't expecting that. Have seen her in things over the years where she seemed like late Carry Fisher—not particularly capable of holding a character together convincingly. But here, Kane is almost Betty White great—she knows it's broad, we know it's broad, but it's the right choice

You definitely want to get to her cameo.

Not surprisingly (or maybe completely surprisingly?) they really hit their stride around episode 6 and then the thing goes into overdrive. Couldn't be happier with this and now sorry I watched it all in one day.

While they're still Girls episodes, for the last two it actually seem like grown-ups were brought in to write / direct / edit. In every way they seem to operate on a higher level (for me at least) and I'm wondering if it's because neither the writing nor directing credits belong to Lena Dunham or if it's that the

You said this well. I think the writing and the direction were miles ahead for this show.

While I watch this show to be shocked and weirdly gratified by its awfulness, what amazes me is that finally one well-made episode (well-acted, nicely structured, well-shot, populated by awesome guest shots and full of concise, capably realized scenes) comes along and the AV Club commentariat thinks it's marginal. I

Thanks for clarifying. Glad the show works for you. Of course, my resistance to its charms has to do with how it's made (poorly), not the frailties of its characters. But hey, get your entertainment where you can.

Relatably clueless? Not sure I know what you mean. Surely not that you "relate" to these characters. They're preposterous half-baked constructs, at best. Again, after watching it in stunned disbelief and cringing embarrassment for everyone involved, I can't believe there's an "A-" grade here. Then again, AVClub

Really shocked that this episode (and this show) are getting user love on this site. The awfulness is unmitigated. Kickball? Kick the can? I'm hopeless when it comes to Amanda Peet, who deserves so much better, and my god, poor Melanie Lynskey. But the Duplass morons (how completely has he warn out his charm as