
""thin ice"'s high point was bill's delight at time travel, seeing london's past but the thames monster felt random" i agree 100%, the monster kind of reminded me of the space whale of the beast below

Thank God someone who agrees with me, i've been underwhelmed from season 10 so far as well, you are right about Capaldi and Mackie being great but everything else is so meh-not interesting at all-or something i would rewatch. The only episodes i liked a bit were the pilot and thin ice

I agree this season has been a disappointment for me as well, i force myself to keep watching cause i wanna see what's gonna happen in the end, but i lost my interest in it.

Oh God, i hope so. I really wanna see Eleven (and his bowtie) again. P.S your profile pic is so funny, love it

And the sudden introduction of Peter's doctor was a different way to approach a regeneration and even though it didn't give us time to mourn for Matt, that's why i like it.
At first i didn't like how suddenly it happened but while watching it the second time, i like it.
The fact that it happened in a second, blink and

So on to my review. The plot was a bit too much for me (like so many other Moffat episodes) and i didn't particularly care for many, many parts but oh who cares? Let's focus on the beautiful. And the beautiful was there.
Spoilers ahead*
1 My number one moment, the one that broke me, was a smile and a phrase. Just that,

I gotta admit that as an episode it wasn't amazing, too many plot lines and some of them not interesting at all. For example I didn't particularly care about the whole defending Christmas thing. But there were some awesome moments there, moments that made it totally worth watching. Moments that i loved and that tore