
As the old saying goes, you can't win for losing.
Local, national or international…sometimes getting stranded on a desert island sounds like a good idea.

I can relate! I'm a serious news junkie and just yesterday while watching the news (and trying to make my left eyelid stop twitching) was thinking how desperately I need to take a break from it. But how does one do that when so much keeps happening?
Oh, well. At least the angst we feel for these interesting fictional

He's so disillusioned.
I'm not sure what's going to actually do him in, his disillusionment or his superiors (probably the latter).
All I know for sure is that I won't be happy about it either way.

Well, phooey.

Well, I'm emotionally wrung out after that. But I'll console myself with the fact we got not only a sighting of Mail Robot but a CLOSE-UP of the handsome devil.
About that, I'm all a-flutter.

I get it. I watched Hannibal, too. But never ate while watching. Of course, I watched with my eyes closed half the time. Would've been hard to eat like that anyway.

I was doing the same, or trying to. I think next week I'll have supper a little earlier.

I've always loved "Peter and the Wolf", and have a very happy memory of taking my son to see a wonderful performance (ballet) of it when he was small, as an introduction to Classical music and especially the joys of live music and dance.
It's not going to feel quite as innocent from now on. But I basically liked the

I'm beginning to think the writers are competing with each other to see how many different bodily functions (or misuse/abuse of them) they can feature in each episode to gross out more sensitive viewers…like me.

I'm just glad there are people out there who are as expressive as they are fearless in speaking their minds, such as Mr. Colbert and his writers (and you're pretty good at it yourself).

Yeah, you missed a sweet opening message from Silas and Bree directly to the fans, thanking us and talking about how much the show has meant to them, then they introduced a sneak-peek at a new summer show coming up (I already forgot what, something vampirical).
At the end of the episode, graphics covered the screen

And ripped his little heart (or power pack?) out!!!

I watch this show with the CC on (too afraid I'll miss something), and I think they're using someone different to do the captioning this season. Before, they identified songs used. Not now. For that old country western song it just said "country music."
But I was really surprised when the episode opened with Three

I know it's not it, but it reminded me of the LA motel where Janis Joplin died.

Assuming his story's true, I'm glad to see him show some feeling for the family that adopted him (or fostered him, I don't recall which). He said before that they were good to him and treated him the same as their biological children. The only negative thing he said was that they "patted themselves on the back for

I'm just hoping that when The Americans reaches its finale it won't be like the ending of that particular little play.

After a couple of days coping with the after-effects of a leak/flood in my house, I sat down exhausted but looking forward to watching, and promptly dozed off (didn't even make it past Kimmie).

You really do. In both films he played very touching roles and was so believable. Also, I tried to add Besieged to my Netflix queue but it's not currently available. I'll keep it in mind though.

I am admittedly a sucker for saccharine, especially when it comes to animals. Show me Lassie Come Home right now (or Old Yeller, or Bambi for Pete's sake) and the tears will start up.
As for War Horse, I saw a documentary about how horses were used in WW1, and other wars, and all the things that happened to them, by

I really liked him in two '94 movies I love…Black Beauty (with Sean Bean) and Restoration (with Robert Downey Jr. and Sam Neill as Charles II, one of my favorite English monarchs). Mr. Thewlis has range.
He's also in War Horse, a film I want to see but haven't yet worked up the courage to watch. But I'm sure he's good