
She's been hating him so vehemently, trying to keep from being attracted to him, and then he goes and reveals himself to be sincerely noble and possibly saintly.

I love Langella's voice, and just made a comment about it upthread. You're so right.

I find Langella's voice so soothing, and magnetic.
If he sat down on a bench by me and proceeded to tell me my parents were from Alpha Centauri and were preparing a special ship to return the whole family there and "Come with me. They sent me to get you and take you to the secret launch pad. They're waiting. Come with

That works, too.
I hadn't had supper yet when I watched. Maybe I just had food on the brain.

The girl on the left at least offered her condolences on the loss of his brother and attempted to make conversation. But the other two just seemed like simpering little twits.

Hey, Jess. I beg to differ from all the Dexter hate here. It had it's low points, but there's a reason it was so popular.

I've always liked John Lithgow in both comedy and drama. And he seems like just the sweetest person when you see him on talk shows or being interviewed. But he absolutely scared the bejabbers out of me worse than just about anyone who's ever played a serial killer. Go figure.

I have ALWAYS gotten a kick out of your enthusiasm. And I usually think and feel pretty much the same things .

I watched the first episode but it was just too abstract for me, and I've got a pretty vivid imagination.
But that doesn't change my admiration of Hawley. He's so innovative. As for Bones, I guess he cut his teeth on it. I watched the first couple of seasons because of Boreanaz and my abiding love of all things Angel.

I've had a soft spot for Dylan since season 1, both the character and Max Theriot himself. I think he continues to grow as an actor, and he really got to showcase that in this episode.

I'm champing at the bit and counting the days.

I imagine she was sometimes pressured to go with that training. It's just so unusual that she didn't. And as you said, she's tiny. So I think of her as small but mighty, and a lady who does as she pleases. Quite admirable, and a terrific actress.
I've always liked her in movies ("Always" is a sentimental favorite),

It was a wonderful experience. I've only been to NYC once, but we packed a lot into that one visit…the ballet, a Broadway play, every major museum. I hope I get to return sometime.

Same here. And there are some who can do regional American accents. I remember when The Walking Dead first started airing, I was shocked when I first saw Andrew Lincoln interviewed (I'd seen Love, Actually but forgot he was in it). I'd just been listening to gruff good ole' Georgia boy Rick Grimes, and suddenly

I love it, too. In high school we read it aloud in class and I had to struggle mightily to keep from boo-hooing. It's such a sensitive story.

I'm afraid of how he'll react if and when he finds out his son was that close to him and his handlers threw up a road-block…without even discussing it with him as Gabriel seemed to want to do.

It's like his parents presented him with a buffet, all lined up at the dinner table to choose from. And they looked so pleased with themselves to have done so.
That didn't last long.

Oh, honey.
Just become a spy. You'll have all the women you could want.
And not want.