
That moment struck me as funny, too. Francis was so INTO his terrorizing of Chilton, creeping around speaking in that scary deeper-than-usual voice. The knock on the door brought him to a screeching halt. The way he straightened up and looked around, I expected him to trill in a much higher voice "Who IS it?"


I need to re-read it. When I first read it, I'd read a review that said it was well written and truly frightening…I got more than I bargained for. It was before Manhunter and SotL, and it seemed like just a new level of horror. I didn't want to re-read it till now, but really should, to compare.

It did! I wouldn't have been surprised to see it was Yosemite Sam or the Tazmanian Devil that grabbed him.

True, but I'm so busy cringing throughout each episode that that's what they seem like to me..bits of humor to make the horror more palatable (pun intended)…and for which I'm grateful.

I read the novel, but way back when it was first published and I've forgotten a lot of details. Thanks.

I never thought I'd laugh at an abduction scene, but Chilton was so handily and quickly jerked out of the car (while smirking and speaking so smugly) that I had to! Of course everything that followed horrified me, and made me feel terribly sorry for him through the whole ordeal. But even at this moment, picturing

So, Freddie sold t-shirts saying "The Tooth Fairy is a one-night stand". Did Will mean that literally? If, so, how gauche…and despicable…and low-life. Freddie is indeed a bottom-feeder.

You simply must differentiate….
Mads, yes. Hannibal, no!
Mads, yowza! Hannibal, yikes!

I've said this before, but Verger made me (and many!) want to take a shower after every one of his scenes.

He's so erudite! Little things like that are why I watch this show…little gems are sprinkled throughout. I sometimes have to avert my eyes (not big on gore), but I keep my ears open.

Ha! A condensed and sanitized version, no doubt!

Hi. Sweetie…I'm doing pretty well. Still missing Mystic but you know how that is. Hope you and Monkey are having fabulous fun!

Yes, I've been having the same issue, plus today is the first time I'm seeing ads across the top of AV Club's page each time I've gone to the Hannibal review. It's beyond annoying as you scroll through reading comments. I assume it's the same for everyone? I switched something regarding my service so don't know if

I was thinking the same things you were, about all of that.
This show gives me emotional whiplash.

Me, too. I read the book so long ago…I remember being horrified by the whole backstory, but don't recall the details. Maybe we blocked them!

Yes, but I think it was one of those lines laden with layers and multiple meanings.

What a good point, and it made me snicker. I know Will supposedly told Molly about Hannibal, but I bet he left out some of those interesting and colorful details.

It's also worthwhile to point out people don't usually know they're buying dog food (or cat food) from China…but the big tip-off is it's usually the cheap stuff (or off-brands). Please, everyone, even if your finances are tight, please feed your pets quality food. It's safer, healthier, and they're worth it.

Yes, and then he said "how bizarre." That made my flesh crawl, that sex (or any intimacy) with a living, breathing woman (with the ability to feel, think, and speak) was, for him, bizarre. And that the opposite of that is, to him, normal.