Mon S

Nah, him saying he wants to reconnect felt like total BS to me. He only said it to make her feel vulnerable and ensure that check for himself. Good for Rebecca for finally telling him off!

Even though I loved Greg, I'm really glad he's gone and only want him to ever come back when all is good with Rebecca to either become endgame with her (although that would feel completely unearned by that point), or just to come say hi and thank Rebecca for ultimately pushing him to get his issues solved and pursue

Trent = Marty, yes! He was a total creep too, pretending like he didn't know Rory while he was dating her friend Jessica Jones.

White Josh is the voice of reason, everything he ever says has me going "yep, yep, yep". And having at least one functional couple that deals with problems in a healthy way is like a security blanket while watching this emotional rollecoaster of a show. I hope him and Darryl figure out their differences.

You are both completely right. That's why the show is so brilliant, you can clearly see both sides of the coin.
In real life, we usually take a side in a breakup based on which person we know best (since they present us with their side of the story), while here we can discuss and analyze how they are both at fault.

Entiendes que son diferentes.

You don't have to be in a relationship with someone to park their car, if you know what I mean.

And that's why the show is still on air. If she only moved towards the right direction, we would have nothing to watch.

Unfortunately, these "hate men" series the OP is referring to are only accessible to ignorant bigots. They broadcast them on this special ignorant bigots network. So we will never know.

See, despite being a Christian (sort of), I don't believe that people can actually talk to Jesus and listen to what he's saying, so… But if by Jesus you mean some sort of voice of morality within a person, then yes, that would be a wonderful girlfriend for Josh! :)

How would he survive anywhere without a girlfriend telling him what to do all the time? Maybe it's a good idea to go attend a seminary for some time so that he can learn to live without a girlfriend.

I totally agree! Rory has always been surrounded by people who kept telling her she is the queen of the universe, enabling her selfishness and justifying her terrible decisions, while Rebecca has friends (she definitely has friends) who both enable her but also ground her and call out a lot of her craziness.
They seem

A lot of people have been guessing that would happen in the last few weeks. It has been nicely set up by Josh getting more and more into church stuff and questioning his relationship with Rebecca.

They might try to set him up with Valencia, since she quoted him in "You look halfway decent", and they are fairly similar, although I would prefer seeing him with Heather. Or a therapist.

I thought about this parallel ever since the show started and I realized that Rebecca-Paula is a reverse of the Rory-Lorelai relationship. They are two best friends who act more like mother and daughter.
It's very interesting and I think even with the support system, Rory eventually ended up being pretty terrible and

I have hated Logan for 10 years because he never got any real character development or emotional depth, while I got all aboard the Nathaniel train after like two episodes. This show is just better at analyzing and justifying character flaws, I think.

I can't see Nathaniel and Valencia together but the show hinted at their similarities with V saying "You look halfway decent" in this episode, so I'm scared.

Yeah, it's weird they pretend like he never existed. They could have made a thing about Rebecca feeling weird that Josh invited Greg to the wedding or something, even if he was never supposed to come.

It's weird, I am size 6 and my boobs are half the size of hers, and I still can't wear button down shirts. Maybe Naomi ended up buying something in size 8 because she assumed Rebecca eats in the middle of the night and gets fatter every day, that sounds like something she might think.