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I had to rewatch to see if they even interacted with one another and there was only Valencia saying: "Ladies, chop-chop!", while looking at Paula. What I loved more was Valencia and Heather becoming genuine friends without Rebecca having to be around.

Plus he expressed his love to Rebecca only a few months ago, while she chased him at an airport. It would be totally uncomfortable for everyone if he was at the wedding.

I'm assuming it was the suit.

Well if a girl is straight, there is a big chance she wouldn't date Maya, so I would regard their orientation a little bit.

update: I watched "Tell Me I'm OK, Patrick" again and have had it in my head for 2 hours now. Success!

If Rebecca and Nathaniel ever got married (they won't), it would be sweet if he took her surname. I was at a wedding last week where the hashtag was the bride's surname in plural form and found out it's because the groom was taking her surname. Plus it would piss Nathaniel's dad off.

I'm still rooting for Heather and Nathaniel, they would be so funny and weird together! They have the exact opposite parents and views on success and hard work, but are both slowly trying to change that, they could help each other. Maybe Heather would even finish college!

Aline Brosh McKenna tweeted that they always film the finales as if they are gonna get picked up for another season, and Donna Lynne Champlin apparently said the finale ends on a huge cliffhanger, so that's not it. It might be that they thought they would get another 18-episode season?

It's the Trent-will-ruin-your-wedding song,
The Trent-will-ruin-your-wedding song,
He is so creepy, soon you'll be weepin',
It's the Trent-will-ruin-your-wedding song.

I don't think Sarah is better for Josh than Rebecca or Valencia, it's just that he is not mature enough for real commitment. When he was with Valencia, he couldn't stand how real the relationship was so he spent a lot of time with Rebecca, admiring how "chill" she is, and eventually running away from his "horrible

Am I the only one who thought "Man Nap" was just "Textmergency" with different lyrics? It was still awesome but neither song from this week will help me beat "Devil Winds" out of my head.

She did when her house burned down, she said "I got poo on my shoes, hurry". And although nobody was there to see it, everyone ended up hearing her say it in the phonecall.

For some reason, I never found fart jokes funny, even when I was a kid. Even when my kids laugh at farts, I can't relate at all. Maybe it's because everyone does it and I don't get why it's any funnier than, let's say, yawning. So the entire storyline was just a huge cringe for me, although it paid off quite nicely at

Haha, I feel like he would wake up really early and go around local coffee shops, singing "Let's have intercourse" to random girls. Then go home and ̶m̶a̶s̶t̶u̶r̶b̶a̶t̶e̶ cry.

I know, right! The flip right before "I am in much better physical shape" and the "My body wants things that make my mind go 'uh, body, what?'" moment were super impressive! Rachel's leg muscles are made of steel.

GREG?! How dare you!!

When, though? He was alone in bed when he woke up from the dream and then he went to work. He was clearly lying about having sex with someone that morning.

He is supposed to be in this week's episode, though.

I wouldn't call it harassment, but more like an inappropriate suggestion. He never touched or threatened her, and the fact that he is the boss didn't play any role in that scene, since his position is never even mentioned. Honestly, they never had a boss-employee dynamic at all — let's not forget she verbally insulted

That sounds much better than pairing him with Valencia! Heather seems like a mentally stable person who could help him sort his shit out, and since she is the exact opposite of him on the ambitious scale, he could make her apply herself more, and she could help him chill out more.
Then we just need someone like that