Mon S

I also think it was his imagination, which makes him even more similar to Rebecca. And it makes the comments on her weight more funny and interesting because he actually tries to convince himself that he shouldn't be attracted to her.

It's not about whether or not the characters are hot but what kind of dynamic they have with Rebecca, and the different things they bring out in her. I love her interacting with Nathaniel because he shares a lot of issues with her but is shown as the villain of the story, which is interesting. Moreover, he is (tries

I think Nathaniel is a master manipulator. He's been into Rebecca since the very first day, that's why he's been insulting her boyfriend and wickedly eating olives in front of her to annoy her (the Second Grade move).
And now that he's felt that she's attracted to him as well, he was probably hiding in his office

No, we all get that. It's the central premise of the show but at the same time we don't want Rebecca to become stable all of a sudden because 1. that's not how change happens and 2. the show would be over. So while we wait for Rebecca to slowly work on herself, we contemplate the relationships she has with other

I think he puts Josh down to get to Rebecca. It feels like a classic second grade move - being an annoying douchebag, while trying to maintain the hard-to-get robot appearance.
His song says it's just about sex but his face says he has some feelings for her, that he perhaps hasn't admitted to himself yet (remember

You mean the guy she met a few weeks ago and only bonded with over one specific trauma in her life? No, I wouldn't call him best male friend yet.

Maybe if they dropped just ONE of his returns ("They had the same dream" - no shit, we could have figured that out ourselves), people wouldn't be annoyed. I enjoyed him nevertheless and instead wish that they had dropped a few of the George jokes. There were too many of those squished into very few episodes and my