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    Given Jasper's shocked/puzzled facial expressions watching the naughty film, I didn't think it would come to that. Nor would the writers on a broadcast TV sitcom.

    Broaden your audience by becoming as bland and inoffensive as possible—while smiling and giggling all the way. Great.

    I still don't understand the fawning admiration towards Fallon; granted, he has a fun time doing what he does, but he's just not that funny. The Bowie tribute was pointless, and I collectively laughed once in all his sketches and that was during the Savage Garden skit. "Family Feud" also takes too much time.

    Well, it IS his show, and I believe his intention was to make Phil/Tandy an insufferable jackass. He could dial it back a bit, though.

    I get the feeling that the season finale will involve Pat in some capacity. It'd be very unlike this show to not have a cliffhanger of some sort.

    I thought he was more more Gary Coleman/Rodney Allen Rippy.

    I don't know if I'm the only one, but I'm getting mighty sick of the "ba-BEH-ba" composition bit that punctuates every episode. I would love to see the producers give Mark Mothersbaugh (nice Devo tribute by Gail on accordion, by the way) a little more musical freedom.

    I would watch an entire episode with Forrest and Forrest alone. No cast, no crew, just a plastic smile of denial as he fiddles with AJ's computer to eagerly await instructions of his next assignment.

    If this indeed the end of Forrest's hilariously tragic escapades all at the expense of losing his family and possibly sanity, then it was still a real treat to watch. Then again, Daly was quite ambiguous about the episode airing as a true series finale when he appeared on "Conan" on 3/29, so like Forrest MacNeil, we

    Nice to see Dale Gribble expand his exterminating business out of Arlen, Texas.

    Agreed. Besides, 22 episodes of high-quality content is far more preferable to 60 of mediocrity.

    Next week is definitely the last episode; the three-episode season was a mutual agreement between Daly and CC. Supposedly, he has another show in the works.

    Another genuinely hilarious look into Forrest's disintegrating life. The murder trial verdict was unexpectedly hurried, but I'm glad Mr. MacNeil at last received a sliver of good news. And given Grant's immediate forgiveness of Forrest after last season's cliffhanger, his cold, calculating stare towards the camera as

    "Bitch, what I just say"?

    AD is one of my favorite shows, and I will admit that much of Season 1 is the show finding its footing, but I will still watch on TV or Netflix. They're not bad, but by middle of Season 2 or so, everything settles in nicely.

    Enjoyable asides on the show, but Klaus succinctly sums up Steve and Roger's fantasy cop drama in one instance:

    That hotel manager was a guy, by the way.

    "A sight for sore eyes…"

    There has also been a fair amount of black comedy in this show—one of the hardest instances I've laughed is in "When a Stan Loves a Woman" when Francine is looking for Stan in the hotel and she stumbles into a room of a bunch of screaming kids as the father—in plain sight—attempts to hang himself.

    "I am sorry to say that your son is mentally retarded."
    "What does that mean, Doctor?"
    "It means he'll never not be retarded."