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    The show also had somewhat of a rocky start on TBS, but it has gotten funnier and even stranger.

    She's lost in coma where it's beautiful…

    I thought "Daesong Heavy Industries" and Stan's Noah's Ark obsession rounded out quite nicely in that two-parter. In fact, many of the TBS-era episodes ("Next of Pin" and "Fight and Flight") have been strokes of genius. Some like "American Fung" are flat out insane, but American Dad! and its ever bizarre yet loving

    Two?! There's six episodes remaining. But yes; Pamela's journey up the coast to stumble upon Carol and Gail is plausible, albeit entirely fortuitous.

    Kristen Wiig wearing what looked like a Yoda mask lurking in the background of Carol and Gail's photo seems a bit too obvious, but given that Pamela Briton possessed that Carol Pilbasian goofiness in "Got Milk," nothing surprises me anymore—especially for a show featuring an almost weekly plot twist. Also, isn't the

    I will openly admit that Phil/Tandy is a cringeworthy idiot, but his heart is in the right place (especially compared to Season 1), so you can't fault him for that.

    To be fair, he is still somewhat of a boob, but his heart is clearly in the right place wanting to genuinely assist Todd in his handling of Melissa. Those two have also had some of the best heart to hearts. That could not be said when he was an inconsiderate jackass in the first season.

    Unlike Dr. Thaddeus Venture, Grant is highly competent and takes his producing role in "Review" quite seriously.

    Dark as dark comedy gets; this was a great episode. I don't want "Review" to end by Forrest being sentenced to a long prison term; he deserves much better in his rapidly deteriorating life in spite of his ultra-zealous devotion to his show-within-a-show.

    I was glad to see Erica have an expanded role in this episode; she has been more or less sidelined this entire season as Lewis was integrated into the mix and Melissa's descent into madness took priority.

    The camera was too far away to see if that definitively happened. Holding each other, sure.

    Two very shitty ideologies, let's put it that way. Communism easily being the biggest killer of the 20th century.

    Also interesting that Thrillho has the middle name of a fascist dictator.

    Yeah, I did. I know what you meant by "full retard," and I agree—that he was making a mountain out of a molehill by citing a few unfortunate examples in one of the many subgenres of metal. I can safely say the vast, VAST majority of bands, metal or otherwise, do not conform to or hold such beliefs.

    I wouldn't go as far to as equating his piece to making a big stink out of the "SS" in the Kiss logo, but he does make a point with Nazism still posing as a problem in the western world—even if these bands are largely and rightly confined to the fringes.

    Well put; you have to go out of your way to seek listening to these bands, and their audience is rather small. By far the most popular band to incorporate Nazi imagery and lyrics would be Slayer, but I don't believe that the primary lyricists in King and Hanneman were Nazis or were sympathetic to such beliefs. Just

    As I've said, I never considered the band Nazis—and it was Hanneman and King who wrote the lyrics in "Reign in Blood."

    I am glad this show revisited the drone that freaked out the gang in Malibu, and it's also interesting to see the midseason finale cliffhangers delayed in resolution for a second consecutive season. (no, not being sarcastic.) Plus, Kristen Wiig is always a welcome sight.

    Absolutely am a metalhead til the day I die, but this is discouraging. Never considered the guys in Slayer or the late Lemmy Nazis though, but it is a worrying trend given that you would think people would have shut the hell up about Jews and Nazism after the Holocaust.

    No, I know exactly what you meant. Sometimes, he gets these out too quickly for his own good, and maybe the editor skims over before publishing. (there have been minor grammatical errors in past articles.)