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    Perkins gets these reviews out fairly quickly, and while adept at providing a detailed analysis, the occasional error does slip in. He obviously meant Kyle Mooney. Confusion is understandable to an extent; those two are close pals.

    It was nice to Alex Moffat get some airtime; he's been severely underutilized this season. In any event, solid episode with some literal LOL moments. (particularly Che describing Trump's supposed alleyway beating; the Black History Month chocolates was a nice twist, too.) Baldwin is always up for anything, and this

    I'm sure Abed will acknowledge this site in some capacity.


    Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long. Where else would I read such a thorough analysis of an ever-changing yet topical show?

    Headline made it sound like Trump would take executive action against Comcast/NBC or something if the lampooning didn't stop.

    I never said that about all women; I meant specifically Vanessa Bayer's character with that enthusiasm and saccharine smile. Of course, it could all just be theatrics.

    Yeah, absolutely. Still a very disgusting racist element in Boston—though by no means representative of the entire city as a whole.

    She seems happy to serve the pizza rolls—whether or not her smile and eagerness are merely a facade is anyone's guess. Then again, her wandering eye towards KS may have been her subconscious telling her to stray from her husband.

    Ha, ha. Put it on a plate, press a few buttons on the microwave, serve your husband and his pals. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to "feed her hungry guys."

    I don't think "suffering" is accurate. Her husband just wants her to serve the damn pizza rolls, and there doesn't seem to be any marital discord. Hell, before KS shows up, she seems very eager to serve her husband and his friends.

    Anyone who utilizes the proper channels to legally immigrate to the U.S. is fine. I don't see anything wrong with temporarily freezing entrance to migrants coming from conflict zones.

    That sketch was designed for the host who clearly can't play a lead; the introductions alone were five minutes and KS as Gisele was minor at best.

    I remember what happened with Joel Ward and the Washington Capitals not five years ago. You'd think Bostonians would have moved on.

    The protests don't mean anything—Hillary lost, Trump won. At some point, these people have to move on with their lives. What do you expect to accomplish by constantly protesting and achieving nothing?

    McMullin/Finn. I more or less agreed with their entire platform. I think Americans' views will change as this administration moves forward. There is a substantial portion of the populace that is indeed left, but I'm not convinced that the hysterical anti-Trump protesters and supporters reflect the view of this country.

    Whoever uses the TARDIS (or any inanimate object) can identify how they wish. Me, however, I'm a man and I've used a male avatar since I joined Disqus in 2012.

    If I was a chick, I'd use a female avatar.

    It's a fair point and like you, I'm also a straight cis man, but I just don't give a whole hell of a lot of time and attention to label human sexuality in 57 different ways. To be frank, I'm not entirely certain most people do.