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    I think Melissa McCarthy may have singlehandedly saved this episode from being a complete disaster, given the length of the sketch of her as Sean Spicer, and the fact that Kristen is not a natural comic performer.

    Michael Che is on drugs, and Pete Davidson has admitted difficulty performing when not on the wacky tobacky. I guess you would have two very nervous performers otherwise.

    None of these additional terms existed several years ago, and new terms will more than likely come into play, so yes, outside of the usual LGBT definition, it's confusing as hell.

    It shouldn't be earth-shattering, but a lot of people will think it is—HuffPo seems to think so.

    "She recognizes the fluidity of her sexuality." Okay, she's bi. This gender-fluidity stuff has always unnecessarily complicated things—you're either gay, straight, bi, or nothing. And yes, there are some weird people with sexual fetishes who don't match any of the above four criteria—I don't know what the term is for

    She does. The UCONN sketch and the Willy Wonka spoof would have worked beautifully with someone with a little sass and personality, like Emma Stone.

    I don't attempt to be "dismissive;" coming out just doesn't carry the weight as it did when, say, Ellen DeGeneres did it 20 years ago.

    It was surprising because she always has come off as rather taciturn; she seemed like the last person in the world to want to share such information. I guess if she's that comfortable in her own skin, fine, but it shouldn't be earth-shattering news.

    "Unqualified" according to whom? Say what you want about the Trump admin, but unless all of this proves to be as hysterical and catastrophic as everyone else seems to believe, it doesn't wash.

    One half—"Saturday Night," and then "Live." Unless you believe that Saturday should be divided into two halves, in which case, it would be called something else were it taped during the daylight hours.

    As I've said above, I did not vote for him (or Hillary for that matter), but I am taking a wait and see approach with this guy because the political left does have a tendency to over-exaggerate.

    Funny impersonation by Keenan, but Mugabe is as big a racist as anyone! A simple Google search on him and what has happened in Zimbabwe to whites is proof enough.

    Fair point. And KS says she's "like, totally gay." When did "lesbo" become an insult?

    What's this "she/he"? The male avatar should be proof enough.

    That's why I said "or not;" the people marching against Trump will ALWAYS find something to protest against. I'm glad we live in a country where free protest and assembly is allowed, but FFS, at some point, you've got to move on in life.

    I thought she was openly bi? Thought the gay comment was her merely saying that she was into women now, not that she'd stop being into men.

    I sure did; as observant and articulate as Perkins is, I'm surprised he didn't notice that little tidbit.

    Thank you. I've been wondering that myself. I wasn't gaga when they announced she'd be hosting and her performance confirmed my doubts. As Perkins even says above, she's not a live performer (her best sketch was the taped coffeehouse bit with Davidson), and "live" is one half of the show!

    He's far from typical, but he was fairly and freely elected. I thought both 2016 candidates were terrible, but it is what it is.

    Nothing against LGBT—"lesbo" is not a pejorative. Had I used the D-word, you'd be on point. What's so great that Kristen Stewart was straight, but now, in her own words, she's "like, totally gay"?