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    I should be quick to point out that I did NOT vote for Trump. But this leftist indignation hasn't died down since Hillary lost. Every week is a freaking protest about something or other, however justified or not. He's not ideal, but I'm not gonna bitch and moan every day that my candidate wasn't elected.

    I don't understand the KS lovefest; she flubbed her lines, she has the deadest face, no comedic timing, and why did the audience go hog wild when she said she was a lesbo? Couple that ongoiong theme with the not so hilarious anti-Trump hysteria still at a fever pitch for a third consecutive week, (yes, we get it; he's

    Strong episode mostly—Aziz angrily describing his woefully unfit lawyer and accompanying testimony in his accident settlement is the hardest I've laughed this season—but the Cecily/Sasheer Obama tribute was too maudlin and unnecessary. Just like Kate McKinnon/Hillary singing the Leonard Cohen song. A weird "Ten to

    I haven't read through all the comments, but there's a similarity and quite uncanny timing between Beck's 300-600 mini songs and Jimmy Pesto Jr.'s awkward song-like ramblings on the latest episode of Bob's Burgers.

    Sure, the group fled Malibu and is at the office building all because of him, and dealing with their own issues, but who knows? Maybe he does make an appearance in the spring. I don't think the writers abandoned him just yet.

    Vikram, I'm 99.9% sure Tandy says "bigly" repeatedly throughout the episode—that is, if the closed-captioning function on my TV was displaying correctly.

    I can just imagine; Gail is stuck in the elevator looking out through the little slit and the first thing she sees is Tandy's T-Rex head.

    Things naturally went down a different path the more people that came into the group.

    I sensed you were joking in that post…

    Wasn't it implied that they "did" something when they came across Tandy in Season 1?

    Sorry to stick my finger in your pie :(

    If you don't recall a few episodes back, it's only assumed he's dead. Tandy visits the house, but falls short of actually discovering what is presumed to be his corpse.

    D) Erica's water breaks. She's had one of those weird year-long pregnancies.

    Then again, the power in the main building goes out, Tandy fiddles with the circuit breaker, and Gail eventually gets out on her own when power is restored to her building. Ample credit to this show and its genuinely interesting cliffhangers and plot twists.

    I get the feeling Tandy's curiosity will lead him back in the building. We'll see.

    She won't; Phil 2.0 flatlined during last season's fall finale, (although Tandy's brother crashing to earth was left as the cliffhanger) and Gail will be found by the group.

    One clever gag; Tandy calling Todd "T-Bone" while wearing a shirt with aforementioned steak on it.

    'Member Kyle's cousin Kyle Schwartz? One of the Member Berries sounds like a pitched up version of him, especially the way he pronounces "fantastic."

    Another Peter Serafinowicz character. Show was on Adult Swim for a few years.

    Member S.A.M in NTSF:SD::SUV?