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    I mentioned that below; the only thing missing was Gerald and Randy in the hot tub, though given Gerald's predicament in Denmark, that wouldn't come to be.

    I didn't vote for him, but I hope that and the "check your privilege," ultra-PC nonsense (aka, the sole reason for PC Principal's existence) does die a fiery death.

    Sure I 'member!

    I think that Toto song is the only one the Member Berries know.

    Interesting how the Member Berries are still cognitively functional even after being shot in the head. I'm enjoying the callbacks to episodes of the distant past, namely with Cher's "Believe" warbling and Tom's Rhinoplasty serving as the final stop for Garrison/Trump's complete transformation.

    Their repertoire seems to be limited to Benny Goodman, Toto, and the various "Star Wars" films.

    I had wondered what the hell happened to Todd and Melissa tonight—Todd does a great Morgan Freeman, by the way—and Melissa's descent into insanity should provide some great future material.

    This show has mastered the twist—can't leave any idea, thing, or even person for dead.

    Obviously holding onto false hope that his brother did survive—even though he and the audience surely realize the opposite.

    That Trump show was so bad last year, it's almost worth another watch. Surprising, too; he hosted in 2004 and wasn't bad.

    Notice he was taking a drag during the goodbyes, too.

    This was a B+/A- episode; didn't have your typical episode feel obviously given the events of this past week and the breaking of the fourth wall for a few sketches. Couple that with ATCQ, a group coming back after a long layoff…it was just different.

    Aside from the maudlin cold opening with Kate/Hillary, this was solid. Nice change of pace being one of the more anti-SNL episodes, with Dave's overly long stand-up (what else, honestly?), the meta Jheri curl sketch (was genuinely afraid that'd be another Chris Rock/Leslie Jones flop with her miscues), and the

    Why turn Phil—sorry, "Tandy"—into a Season 1 jackass again? He was making such great progress! Then again, Gail wouldn't threaten to leave if he hadn't.

    Memba the Okama Gamesphere?!

    Just the promo for the Fox version; about two hours.

    When Garrison is chased by the townsfolk and ends up in front of City Wok; I was fully expecting a Janus/Tuong lu Kim revelation.

    I lost a decent amount at a casino last week and the f-ing time warp song came on my car radio about 20 times while driving home. I honestly don't know which of the two made me angrier.

    Tim Curry is a phenomenal actor (a horrible shame given his stroke), and Cox doing Frank-N-Furter, and Bill Skarsgard portraying Pennywise in the "It" remake next year…nice try.

    And he was resurrected to direct the Rocky Horror remake.