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    This was a "B:" I've always loved Fred and he's always up for anything. That episode just fell a tad flat and did not have your usual season finale feel. As for Courtney Barnett, either the sound people fucked up or my TV is on the fritz; I could barely hear her, even on the dynamic movie setting.

    As a lifelong hockey fan, I am glad to hear Jaromir Jagr, easily one of the greatest ever, get a shout-out by Drake. The episode itself was all right; Bobby Moynihan was great in the ANW sketch, I loved Pharoah in the car rental bit, and Drake, as a good host should, was up for anything.

    Sweet goodbyes and tender moments in last night's finale; Phil and Carol's moment together with the calf and expressing genuine love for another was as touching a moment as you'll seen between these two otherwise wacky characters. I also eagerly await what will happen to the group after the paranoid Pat Brown and his

    Mr. Peanutbutter!

    Haven't watched "Horace and Pete." Is it worth the $50 to watch the season? I thoroughly enjoy "Louie," and yes, this is an entirely different show…just an obviously different and unique way to watch content in these ever-changing times.

    Lest you also forget the sleazy hijinks Phil pulled with her and Gail when they first appeared on the show last year.

    Nice mix of drama/tragedy/comedy tonite; anxiously await what will happen with Mike, and you just want to see Todd and Phil/Tandy become pals again after the proxy father snafu. I am also glad the writing team brought the ever-vague "virus" back into discussion; I didn't want to see that idea abandoned entirely after

    I see; could have sworn it was in the "C" range. Fair enough.

    I see; could have sworn it was in the "C" range. Fair enough.

    Forgettable episode; how was this given a higher grade than JLD? I have nothing against Brie Larson and she seemed up for anything, but there was just nothing memorable about anything in that episode. I liked the GoT sketch; as someone who doesn't watch the show, I still found it funny.

    I still have yet to watch a fucking episode. But I like Bill Burr.

    "Cinema Classics" killed yet again. Solid episode, and JLD was up for anything; she's fun to watch. Where was the Lulu Diamonds reprisal when Melissa McCarthy hosted? I love a sketch where I can literally LOL.

    I'm glad Phil—sorry, "Tandy"—has moved away from his season 1 dickishness and came clean to Carol about shooting blanks, even if did take him a while.

    Who knows? Always at this time of year, I'd really rather watch playoff hockey or the start of baseball.

    "Call me elf one more time!"

    This deserved higher than a B-; it started off a little shaky, but got progressively funnier towards the end. Everything after the weak monologue and Winnie the Pooh showcased Dinklage's diverse style, and my personal favorite was the Danish robbers sketch.

    Thanks for trying and giving your two cents; all four of these items look very unappealing to yours truly. I don't even remember the last time I set foot in a BK, much less ate any of their food.

    Nothing wrong with booze if you can control it; I only drink on weekends and even then, it's a two-drink max. That's not to say I haven't been shitfaced before. I certainly have on a number of occasions (mostly in college) and to say it's unpleasant is putting it mildly.

    Rubio would be mocked for being small, Kasich…yeah, not much material there. Agreed on everything else (especially right wing nutters and I tilt center-right. Although there are idiots on both sides of the spectrum.).

    Good story, and I'm not being sarcastic. I have no desire to go above anything other than alcohol, despite the millions out there who partake in the ganja. And I certainly would not do crack, meth or any of the heavier stuff.