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    Menage au quatre; grisly murders, dildo gimp; I wouldn't have expected anything different from Ryan Murphy.

    Glad to see Grant have an expanded role in this episode; James Urbaniak nails that cold, calculated, conniving face and he has been incredibly underutilized, even as a secondary character.

    Lorne saw last year as one of adjustment, and I didn't think he was going to completely overhaul the cast for this season, especially looking at last year. Those predictions may come to fruition in 2016, though it's hard to judge season 41 on a single episode. We'll see.

    On top of that, he speaks very limited English. But for the sake of the show and Kyle Mooney's impersonation of him, the Italian bit works because of the Vatican's location. (and that most pontiffs, for the most part, have been Italian.)

    I won't deny the writing sucks, but their back and forth has improved.

    Expected nothing, got close to it. Nothing was laugh out loud and Miley's second song was lame. However, Jost and Che seem to be developing somewhat of a rapport and Che seems more comfortable in the WU chair, though still a work in progress.

    Rooks rike City Wok might as well crose. In all seriousness, why didn't this episode feature PC Principal berate the bipolar, Caucasian Dr. Janus for his exaggerated impersonation of a Chinese man and use of child labor?

    Strange episode, and I was almost expecting to see a pissed off Phil 2.0, Melissa, and Todd back in Tucson. I'm still not totally convinced that we've seen the last of them (not to mention the lovely Mary Steenburgen and Cleopatra Coleman). Then again, unpredictability is the bread and butter of a post-apocalyptic

    Homosexuality in the Muslim world is NOT looked upon favorably and is disapproved by a wide margin.

    Mojo, there's no moral equivalent between doing drugs and a totalitarian ideology that will kill anybody for a variety of supposed infractions (thievery, apostasy, disobedience of central authorities, expressing the wrong opinions, on and on.)

    Thumbs up for that and Mr. Bananagrabber. I literally just watched that on YouTube before I came to this thread. What are the odds?

    Wow, look who's generalizing now. I have never hated gays, nor did I say I did. By and large, Muslims—and Palestinians/Arabs— DO hate homosexuality. By a wide margin. Why else would homosexuality be criminalized in these countries?

    That's not a generalization, they make it perfectly known. Palestinian gays find refuge in Israel. Since you're gay, why would you take issue with me calling homophobic, women-beating, Jew-haters (mostly in Hamas, but not entirely) what they are?

    Easy; the woman in question was a roommate—now former—who was angry that I questioned her support for intolerant, homophobic, women-beating, Jew-hating Palestinian Arabs when she herself was a bisexual feminist. I called her a "PC liberal" as she described such barbaric people in the most flowery of language

    Oh? I'm truly not, I am nice to people as long as they're nice in return. But I hate overly PC people who get angry at the slightest perceived infraction.

    No, thankfully. Just SJWs online. Still a very stupid phrase. I did get into an argument with a very left wing chick by calling her a "PC liberal," and she responded by calling me a "conservative asshole." (although I'm not conservative; I just hate political correctness).

    I want to punch whoever coined the phrase "Check your privilege" in their smarmy, self-righteous mouth.

    That or a non-English speaking shopkeep who didn't understand the value of a dollar. I couldn't believe it myself when I walked by the store and saw the Newport sign and $.95 below it.

    Nay, Ocean View.

    He owned not having that glove fit.