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    That spelling has always bugged me; kind of like all those technology companies that take a regular word and give it a stupid cutesy pie spelling (QZZR is pronounced "Quiz-zer," etc.)

    An attractive chick in any band is bound to get loads of attention, good and bad. Then again, as a dude (and one who's not famous or in a band) it's hard for me to know what she personally experiences. Guess it comes with the territory.

    11 was the best; Robert Wuhl obsessively following around Stan and Hayley made the show.

    "Bitch what I just say?" Klaus' fractured English is what makes that sentence funny.

    I will give the A.V. Club partial credit; they reviewed the first three episodes of this past season and rated them a B+; why they would abandon this delightfully weird show is anybody's guess.

    Pssh…that's the old Salsa Fresca slogan from two Super Bowls ago.

    Maybe it's me, but the show has a decidedly different—and weirder—tone with Brian Boyle at the helm rather than Mike Barker. I guess we should expect more episodes like "American Fung"?

    She mentions when Forrest and her are walking in Iowa that the kid in love with her is a "little off," but as to what that means precisely, we'll never know.

    Forrest's steroid-fueled rampage was a little unsettling, but there were some gems in this episode. Namely, Grant casually observing an orange and beefed up Forrest in the men's room—and telling him to improve himself—and Forrest's nonsense to his cult followers about the five stars.

    The Mile High segment was great; Forrest being last in line and squirming and thrusting against the hooker in her seat was gold. Second segment funnier than the first.

    I suppose Forrest's lovely ex-wife and son will be written off? Though nothing surprises me when it comes to "Review."

    That's too bad; he brought a great energy to Duke Scorpio and I'm hoping at some point that Aukerman brings him back. I went to a taping of "Conan" and Pardo is the warm-up comedian. Great stuff.

    I love Fourvel, but hope they bring back "Spin 2 Win."

    What happened to Tandy's jalapeno farm? Also, glad that he and Carol are back together, although new Phil probably won't have much difficulty with the other three ladies back in Tucson (although there is Todd).

    He'd have to get new Phil to hook everything up and install the TV. I do commend old Phil—or "Tandy"—on creating a farm on a whim, even it was only jalapeno seeds.

    Actually not a bad idea. What if new Phil just wants to stick with Carol and the other three are left holding the bag? That is, after old Phil—sorry, Tandy—and Todd have already left town.

    Every time I see Mel Rodriguez, I just think of him as the head security officer at Greendale (Nunez) and how he claims to be seriously concerned for Chang's rapidly deteriorating mental state of mind.

    Man, was Andrea a bitch. Pretty . . . but still a bitch. Also, I hate the term "millennial." Good episode and certainly a departure from last week's venture with Pam, although there were certainly some similarities between Lenny and Doug Stanhope's "Eddie." Although unlike that episode, this one ended on good terms.

    Cleopatra, Mary Steenburgen and January Jones are all attractive and I wouldn't kick any of them out of bed, but "ten" is a bit much.

    Kristen Schaal is not the worst-looking chick in the world and she looked kind of hot in that white dress—though she still has the weird upper lip disappearing into the teeth thing.