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    I'm really glad not every comedian out there is in love with Jimmy Fallon. I always see the trailers for his show when watching NBC and him doing the lip sync thing or dressing up as a chick or some other stupid skit . . . no thanks.

    She's a babe—even at 62. She looks better than a lot of women half her age.

    Keep in mind, there is more than one supermarket in Arizona's second largest city (even though it's filmed up near Santa Paula, CA) and in the case of last night; Steenburgen and Coleman lived a rather significant distance from Phil and the gang.

    As for Phil's now ex-wife, will Carol Pilbasian turn her eyes to Todd—or will there be more chemistry between her and Phil as exhibited in the bar (second episode marriage notwithstanding)? At least until the next male shows up—whenever that is.

    Are you kidding? I wanted Louie to tell her to fuck off right in the hospital. Besides, he tries to be somewhat sociable with her at the party and offers to bring the chicken when they're on the phone; she still calls him an asshole after hanging up. Fuck Marina and I felt bad for her partner and the surrogate.

    This has nothing to do with the episode, but I'm just venting since I haven't had IFC since September and haven't seen any CBB since last summer's Josh Groban's time portal episode. Any way to catch up without waiting for Netflix?

    I am shocked that there is no embedded video of the Scientology "We Stand Tall" video that the "Neurotology" clip spoofed.

    You took the words right out of my mouth. Literally every last word. However, I have to admit, the scenes with the guys acting drugged out in the standard TAC setting were funny and better than their hallucinatory, peyote settings.

    Just ask this scientician…

    She's more attractive than about 99% of women on TV today; great figure and naturally beautiful without flaunting it.

    Agreed; I'd be happy with any gal that looked like her or Meera. There's no way two attractive women like that stays a "weird loner" for long—but I guess that will make the show.

    Scientology owns TC—and I think he knows it.

    Becki Newton is a babe.

    "Vanished" as far as being in the public eye; not Shelly Miscavige "vanished." (though they say she's not missing.)

    I'm sure Chris Crocker would be available for the right price to do that; he fizzled out years ago, did he not?

    Both are reprehensible, but WBC doesn't come close to Scientology in terms of harassment, litigation and abuse.

    Nothing that Jonny Goodboy Tyler couldn't handle.

    Is Tom Cruise okay with David Miscavige ordering the recording all of his auditing sessions? I know Marty Rathbun personally conducted those sessions himself; did Miscavige think it would all go away with giving Cruise a fucking medal and using slave labor to cater to TC's every whim and desire?

    Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to Scientology, Pierre.

    "Again, these allegations are untrue and have no merit" would have been a more professional way of wording it.