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    You tell me, man.

    I know she doesn't have the clout of Tommy Davis—who seemingly vanished years ago—but she's the closest thing they have to a spokesperson.

    I don't know why that posted twice.

    Karin Pouw, probably, who believes that Jesus was a "figment of imagination." That and the other Scientology OT III bullshit with Xenu.

    I wonder if the mighty Tom Cruise at 5'6 knows that his diminutive pal records his every word during the auditing sessions?

    You've got to love that the "Church" claims that "Dianetics" has helped over 1 billion people and that there are 8 million Scientologists throughout the world. (though I'd take the 50,000 number given in the film as far more accurate—and probably not even that many.)

    Miss Cabbage looked old and very beat during that segment when he spoke to Scientology members in late 2013…I think he knows the end is near.

    Agreed; I brought this up earlier on another thread—among the topics not covered in the slightest was the death of Lisa McPherson, the alleged disappearance of Shelly Miscavige, the harassment of Paulette Cooper, Operation Snow White to name a very few—but it was still interesting to watch.

    Immensely interesting doc—and horrifying. Just goes to show how many vulnerable—and gullible—people there are. I would really hope this is the beginning of the end for this criminal enterprise. I'm sure it's eating away at David Miscavige from the inside.

    He seems to go out of his way to make anyone happy and is a genuinely nice and funny guy; as the article says, a real consummate pro.

    I can imagine David Miscavige reading each and every one of these comments and saying "Sue him, sue him…" ad nauseam.

    Always been a sucker for industrial—NIN, Fear Factory, Skinny Puppy, Ministry. Nothing against Bowie; he's just not consistent. Like you said, it could be a toss up whether it's a good or boring concert.

    Would MUCH rather see NIN; can't blame the crowd.

    Gary Clark was the main act at a nearby Indian casino a few months ago; obviously much better than KoL.

    Interesting topic; Lenny Kravitz opened for U2 when they were in L.A. a few years ago; the former was the better act, but I wasn't going to go home after eight songs.

    Hope you got your money's worth.

    I guess him and Ribisi do look alike, eh?

    Can't forget Toad's Creamed Chip Beef/Corned Beef Hash Combo Can.

    For another 50 cycles!!

    I actually do give a few bucks during their occasional fundraising pleas. No lie, they deserve it and I'm happy to contribute.