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    Why pay $100,000+ to learn about OT III and the evil overlord Xenu when I can research it online for free?

    I'd bet my last dollar she's at their Technology base in San Bernardino.

    CoS did settle with her family…there had to have been some culpability on their part. Not to mention the waiver all Scientologists have to sign before their auditing.

    Nothing on Lisa McPherson, Introspection Rundown or the horrors at Gold Base?

    I can't take anybody seriously, let alone as an "influential thinker" if they believe David Icke's conspiracy lizard bullshit.

    He IS a clownish opportunist since his acting career is all but kaput.

    The AT&T girl has a HUGE ass (you'll never see it on any of the ads) and yes, the Wendy's chick is uppity, but she's pretty and has a far better physique.

    Geoff Peterson did the job. Not only did he not have a band, there were hardly musical performances of any kind on his show.

    Given the amount of time he spent in total isolation before meeting Carol Pilbasian, I guess it's going to take some additional time for his behavior to adjust.

    Anybody notice the scenes where Todd was racing last night featured the exact same scenery as the pilot episode with Phil driving around in his RV?

    I must admit, Kristen Schaal—or rather, Carol Pilbasian—almost fully convinced me she was pregnant, even AFTER admitting that she was going to sabotage the outing with Melissa and Todd.

    I know it's been ages, but Blake has to fit in at least one "The healing power of laughter" in every episode.

    I think the only thing knocking this from reaching "A-" or "A" range was the dinner scene; that fell a little flat and seemed long.

    Love the back and forth between Forte and Schaal—two actors I've always enjoyed watching. And aside from the upper lip going into the teeth thing for Ms. Schaal (rather, "Pilbasian") she's not the worst looking gal in the world. Should be a very interesting twist with Ms. Jones…and anyone else to follow.

    You really think Dakota Johnson's episode warranted a higher grade than tonight? Hemsworth and co. were better than the episodes that had been higher grades by you (think Cameron Diaz, James Franco and Johnson) this season. Also, yes, you love Kate MacKinnon. She's getting plenty of face time, so don't worry about it.

    Yeah…I find her somewhat tempting as well. Why not? She's far from the ugliest woman in the world—and our pal Phil Miller knows this.

    Very enjoyable. It's an interesting premise and it delivered. Have been longtime fans of both Forte and Schaal and they make a great pair. Can't wait to see what future episodes—and any future humans—have in store.

    I honestly don't get how anybody watches "Robot Chicken." You need to be ultra-stoned to enjoy that POS show.

    I completely forgot this was on; I was telling myself all week to watch it since I've always liked McBrayer and Triumph. Guess I didn't miss much.

    Let the balding gay man enjoy what is left after whatever remaining royalties go to Petty and Jeff Lynne. He's been coasting on "Stay With Me" since last year…has he done anything else notable?