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    Did Andre's stereo business ever get off the ground? Or is Shirley resigned to SS forever?

    But Troy's still sailing around the world…isn't he?

    Maybe Subway won after all…

    That episode where they drive down to Florida to visit Linda's parents—"It Snakes a Village"—features a map showing the Belcher vehicle leaving from what appears to be New Jersey, so they're definitely living there. And the architecture is undeniably San Francisco-esque—coming from someone who lived there five

    The British version (with episodes in France and Spain) was a real treat to watch. The American version was too dramatized and the wacky music playing nonstop was incredibly distracting. Time to move on.

    Man, the Oreo "limited edition" flavors never stop. I saw fruit punch-flavored ones at Walmart a few days ago. Anyone tried those yet?

    This season has been all over the place. 6-part Hungarian woman saga, the hurricane, Louis' tumultuous youth…but it still makes for some great viewing. And I can't wait to see what Pamela will have to offer as the season closes out.

    I got you. Don DiMello, maybe?

    No way. It's Daly's show and as you said, no other character could pull it off.

    I didn't watch any of these shows except for "Review." Can't wait for Forrest's upcoming adventures. Reconciliation with the ex-wife, perhaps?

    "Uh, why don't you come over here and make yourself more comfortable?"

    I would look at the TV Guide every night for the guests and honestly didn't recognize any of them. That and it just wasn't that funny. I must say, I enjoyed the Prince takeover of the show.

    I'm sure the fine folks up in freaking Yellowknife would love the opportunity.

    I would imagine all of the songwriting royalties go to Jack; did Meg write anything?

    He'll be fine…still got his stand-up.

    Whatever. He seems to be doing just fine with his solo stuff. Wonder what Megs is up to.

    Hated to see Millionaire Matt Davis meet his horribly cruel fate in the end. But, again, it's Roger.

    That is DEFINITELY the song in question. Which, in turn, is sampled heavily from an old David Whittaker-composed chiptune on the video game "Lazy Jones."

    Thought that was Simon Helberg with a beard.

    They should devote a page or two as to where exactly Speedo-wearing skating guy is going.