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    A simple smiley face—like the cookies at Eat'n Park—couldn't suffice?

    Wow, what would be the clever pun for this burger from hell?

    Strange season and way too many featured cast members. Honestly, I'd dump all the featured players, save for Mooney and Bennett. Maybe Sasheer Zamata if you MUST have the token black female. If Nasim Pedrad is, in fact, leaving…it was a good five years for her and she was never hard on the eyes.

    If any team can come back from a 3-2 deficit and beat the hated Ducks, it's L.A.

    He'll be back…he always is.

    They seem like a couple of okay guys. They have millions of dollars and seem like down-to-earth fellows. Not some prissy, prima donna horseshit. As long as anyone isn't a dick for no particular reason, that's good in my book.

    I'm not a Juggalo by any means, but J and Shaggy seem to be decent dudes when interviewed. They don't advocate violence or are racist or any of that shit. Plus, some of their stuff is all right (Laughed my ass off when I first heard "How Many Times" back in the day).

    That's it. Now, I have to watch it.

    Wow. Got to find an episode in the queue soon and watch it. Hopefully, the season appears on Netflix or something. But you got a second season coming up, so there's something to which you can look forward.

    Ol' Jeff Winger really buffed up the final season; maybe wanted to get out of Greendale and get the Thoraxis role?

    "Rick and Morty." I keep seeing the trailers for that and say to myself "It looks like something I might enjoy," but I never get around to watching it. There's just too much on.

    Cancellation: F.
    No Leonard: F-minus.

    Where will I go for my Leonard frozen pizza reviews?

    I found that oddly intriguing as well. I thought he was using one of those voice modification tubes during "Fever," but I guess not.

    Anybody get the sense that Aidy's character in the Bikini Beach Party sketch was a carbon copy of her character on the "Girlfriends" talk show?

    One of Abed's prophecies didn't come true. Still, it won't be long before it's picked up—maybe Netflix? Also, would Hickey and Duncan had returned if the series was renewed? I know Banks and Oliver had other commitments, but they gelled well with the gang. Lot of questions, but I guess it doesn't matter.

    Yes! Jerry Minor is the plumber on "Community. " Completely my bad. Not all black people look alike.

    Haven't seen the episode, but is he bringing the pensive, narrating janitor back? Why not get Felix Dewhurst to return as well (different actor, obviously, but still)?

    Interesting point, although I get all of the three channels you listed—yes, even FXX—in HD. I guess it varies by provider and the agreement with each channel.

    Close, but not quite. My provider—Cox—does offer IFC and I do have the channel on the traditional schedule, but not in HD. However, when I watch this or any other IFC show on-demand, both the standard definition and HD versions are available.