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    Nothing to do with CBB, itself—although I can't wait to watch Scott and Reggie again—but does anyone here have a cable provider that does not offer IFC HD on the primetime schedule, but does on-demand?

    The very same and the one who also asked for Gabourey Sidibe's black hand in marriage.

    Very excited for the new season. Luckily had a Netflix queue to tide me over the course of these past 19 months. Would be interesting to see how his China trip fared or if Pamela is ever coming back…also on how much his daughters have grown.

    I think Garfield did a solid job, especially during the wedding sketch. I was almost expecting Will Forte's Hamilton to make an appearance. However, the monologue was too long and two taped sketches, one an encore, are a sign that the writers may have been a little rusty after the long layoff. A lot of players—Bryant,

    Probably have Roger dress up in one of his 18,000 "disguises" and carry on a romantic relationship with Bullock, like Jenny Fromdabloc with Snot. And, true to the AD universe, not have Bullock see through the disguise and recognize the same alien who was Agent Parker Peters.

    Gotta love the eccentricities of Bullock. Wasting taxpayer money on a wind machine for the inner circle; a few weeks ago, it was attempting to take advantage of a transgender Stan. Then the kinky hot tub sex with the human/squid hybrid in the holodeck…great boss!

    Just like in the review, if he had five minutes every episode to do stuff like this and that high school election sketch, that'd always be welcome. Plus, he and Beck are always good for some laughs. They're probably the only two of the featured cast members that should be promoted next season.

    Loved Mooney's mentally questionable character in the 420 sketch.

    "French Montana," that was on Tom Haverford's highly selective music list in the last P&R episode. In any event, Mande—Morris—is spot on with his criticism of this song. I know Mack and the Lambert chick are highly emotional on this subject, but "Same Love" does come off a bit preachy.

    "I don't need your suggestions, pal. I've been a big celebrity for a year and a half now."