john smith

That scene was pure classic Simpsons. I also liked the robot Loraine throwing a book for being called cranky. The heated scene between Marge and Lisa and the egg story with Neddy were terrific too.

I don't think Marge would have followed Homer's advice as long as she did and allowed it to get as far as being on the Launchpad.

I don't even what Homer was talking about because he usually flat out refuses to accept Marge and Lisa's "crazy" ideas. I didn't believe for a minute that Homer will just with something he thinks is bad because we know he doesn't act like that.

No, Lisa has a big ego sometimes as Marge pointed out to her. Homer was the jerk because he has always been the jerk.

Whatever the subject, the point of any comedy show is, is it funny? My favourite Simpson's episode "Homer's enemy" had a lot of criticism when it first aired and a lot of people blamed it, along with " The Principal and the Pauper" for the show's decline.

I have always thought that South Park took many positions instead of just one. There are exceptions, of course, like celebrities, scientology and reality TV, where they have hammered them.

It was clearly a joke, but isn't that how people think, that their way is the right way if only the other would see that. You didn't get it but this was nod to you, the writers are pointing out that Lisa is sometimes full of herself. Lisa may think her way is right but would never allow herself to be conceited.

Bleeding gums murphy was a true friend of Lisa Simpson.

Yes, Lisa has had lots of "friends". The ones Lisa would call real friends beyond one episode is a very short list. That is why they are only friends for one episode, but she is just a kid trying to find someone who understands her.

Oh, dear! You wanted Homer to say: Stop your complaint about that girl bossing you around and let me have fun sucking up to her rich dad.

It was not about being self-righteous and moralistic, it was about a kid who didn't like another kid who bossing her around and wanted her dad to stick up for her. Weird how every episode about Lisa now is described as self-righteous and moralistic.

Stop glossing over the strangling. Kid strangling is fine but chumming the waters is wrong!

I think that might have something to do with the fact that Lisa seems to be the least character that has changed the least. Many of the Simpsons characters seem to have got smarter but lack the heart they had before. Bart and Homer were so dumb especially in the earlier years, they seem like different characters now.

Yes, a father and son episode with Homer and Bart would have been good to see but it wouldn't have worked quite as well with Bart, because he would accept being bossed around as long as he got gifts and lived in luxury.

We were not around them the whole time and kids are kids. They will like someone for a minute and hate them the next or the other way round. It is disrespectful to Lisa to say she arbitrarily decided Harper was spoiled. If you know Lisa Simpson, you know she is truthful. Lisa's point was proven as the episode wore on

So do-goodery is selfishness? That is a novel way of attacking someone with a conscience. FYI, Lisa wasn't doing any do-goodery in this episode, she just couldn't stand being around a spoiled little brat. You would prefer your daughter to let another kid have their way every time just so you have your fun? You're not