Chris Harmon

Awesome feel good ending! Well, except for the off chance that she's missing an eternity in real heaven with her husband and daughter. Oh, well, let's just pump some peppy 80s tunes and head off for the bowling alley….For All Of Eternity.

so very funny

Yeah, Hillary was really slaving away out on the campaign trail. Speaking to dozens. Oh and weeks secluded away prepping for the debates. That lazy Donald Trump.

Yeah, Merica sucks, especially all those states that voted for Trump.

If they can improve on "Love Trumps Hate" they will be unstoppable! Sell a lot of bumper stickers too.

Oh but he'll be running as a really funny caricature of a conservative. They won't be able to tell the differnce.

Cool, so you'll accept the popular vote then and make her president too?

No, that's not so good.. Really this one is better- Drumpfertantrum. Cuz you know Drumpf! It's stayed so funny!

I know totally misplaced victimhood. Its almost like they're not stalking Freedom Caucus congressman with weapons to kill them. Do you think Steven Scalisce has misplaced sense of victimhood?

Yeah way to stereotype and prejudice! Stronger Together! Love Trumps Hate! Unless you're one of the evil white working class….Boo! poor white people boo! You're evil!

needs more 3rd eye references

Let us all be on guard against the real danger of terrorism: backlash against innocent peaceful Muslims. Guys we know this is just extremism and nothing specific to Islamic ideology or history. Extremist Terrorism, we must now simply accept as a part of everyday life. However if we remain vigilant we can stamp out

the treaty is enforced through shame based incentives. Sounds like a really healthy agreement here…..

Guys the conspiracy is Russia. That is the only acceptable conspiracy Russia.

Oh a jarring tone, is that right? Let's all stay ideologically pure up in these parts? You sound like a Nazi and I won't believe otherwise until you disprove it!

I'm sure at another time, they wouldn't have complained. Lets see, right after the inauguration "OH LOOK HES FIRING COMEY BECAUSE HE CLEARED CLINTON 3 DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION!" Its laughable end of the world hysterics no matter what or when Trump does anything. The only thing to do is discard whatever nonsense the

So tolerant over there in your bubble

Prove you're not a Nazi, prove it!

Rolling eyes at a woman to belittle what she's saying? Maybe dry, charismatic, and a little sexist too?

Looks like sexism is alive and well up the elite upper classes.