
Ha! I read that comment last night.. Didn't it say something like.. Blah blah my dad was the judge in Brendan and Stevens trial! Or some blah blah like that? Do you remember I thot they said both? For some reason that really bothered. I didn't say anything, but it got stuck in my mind so today I went back cause I thot

Yeah, I agree with what Matt said earlier… I don't know if the cops did it, but that would be disgusting if they did. Someone did it, and then framed him. You do bring up a good point tho. I don't know if anyone else got a weird vibe from the other guy, the one that took the stand, and said he was heading hunting..

This whole series really made my brain explode. I don't even know where to begin. Yes, I feel awful, awful for the victim and her family. Also tho, I feel awful for everyone who Brendan and Steven, and their families. It's just a shock of reality at our class system poor vs. cops…. BS. It hurts to watch, but it is