Andrew Buck

Somebody's read 1/7th of Infinite Jest!! #waytogo

"Suck a fuck" isn't yet a thing. Perhaps Ernie will take some of his millions of dollars and invent one.

It's called narrative voice. It's called first person. Would you scholars also criticize Tom fuckin' Sawyer for dropping his g's?

Hey, could you share a link to the Amazon page for your bestseller? I accidentally deleted the bookmark.

More than Mein Kampf? More than the Collected Letters of Andrew Jackson? More than The InBetweeners? More than Guy Fieri's blog?

Barry, when's your NYT Bestseller coming out? We're all dying to get our hands on your sophisticated plot!!

You haven't picked up enough books if you've never come across a worse book. There are approximately 100 worse books published everyday.

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

Steven Spielberg disagrees with you, Guy On The Internet. That's why he's directing the movie.

I'm growing weary of the trope this critic uses: that behavior that would otherwise be unremarkable in men is considered scandalous when performed by women. It's just not a universal truth.

How can there be a "song of the summer" if it's NOT EVEN SUMMER YET???