Um, this is news?
Um, this is news?
Oh yes, the blame is squarely with Mr Lucas. It's a generally accepted truth, that good casting is 50% of the director's work done and dusted before you shoot anything. Please understand, I have no personal animosity towards either Jake Lloyd or Hayden Christensen. They both did the best they could under very poor…
Regarding the casting. I'm focusing on Lloyd and Christensen. A better "Actor's" director might have gotten stronger performances, but I strongly doubt it. In the case of Jake Lloyd. At the time of "The Phantom Menace's" release, an extended behind the scenes show aired on Aussie TV and it featured footage of the…
Gotcha, cheers.
Hey, I'll chuckle at a good fart joke as much as any other slob.
Agreed, the movie won't harm beyond repair, but my cherished childhood memories took a bit of a bruising. The films are worth watching from a academic point of view. As an example of a filmmaker with all the resources to make a large scale production of…
Back then he was still the beloved manchild Egg of "This Life". Now he's a grizzled zombie killer. If memory
serves, it's 20 years this year that "This Life" was all the rage in the U.K. and the antipodes'. Someone slow down this carousel, it's going way to fast.
Does this show credit the British series or is it just a…
Good on Colbert for trying to balance the broad variety elements of the format with guests of substance. I really miss Craig Ferguson. James Cordern is a great talent, but what a terribly bland, formulaic, pandering unfunny mess that show has become. Fallon, well he's Leno Mark II. So inoffensive he offends me. At…
Jar Jar and the entire jaw dropping, spirit crushing farce that was the prequels, was a insult to children young and old. It angers me when George Lucas or his apologists, attempt to excuse shoddy, terrible work as, "Well, it's for the kids."
Children are sharp and deserve, like any potential audience, to be respected.
A true great. A unique voice, artist, trend setter and icon, who kept his ears and mind open and remained vital for nearly fifty years. He was also a trailblazer and hero to many for his unapologetic exploration of gender and sexual identity. Remarkably, given his critical and commercial success, in all the interviews…
Throw the book at the bastard! And that's just for besmirching the Holy Text of Bigelow. May your Rip fail to Curl.
And this is why we love him.
He did the rounds of the Aussie press a few days ago and was relatively verbose.
It was quite amusing to see one of our highly respected journalists and host of a week nightly current affairs programme acting all fangirly, having the night before torn the Prime Minister several new ones.
Abso-Frickin-lutley! All flash, no substance. A likeable, talented cast is just wasted, because there's no real, emotional connection with the narritive. It just bloody signpost scriptwriting.
A bit late in the day and somewhat half arsed. They fucked up the whole film.
It's a witless, joyless rehash of "The Wrath of Khan". Every story beat is signalled a mile off. What? Kirk sacrificing himself, rather than Spock. That's a twist? Please step away from the word processor. That goes for Monsieurs' Kurtzman…
While I'd like to see this, I'm much more inclined to contribute to a campaign to allow Michael Mann to finally be able to present his cut of the film. Paramount made a complete mess of the film. The 96 minute released version has to be one of the worst hack jobs I've ever seen. Studios have screwed plenty of…
Cunnigham! Get up here. Bobby Z and Steve. You two can wipe those smirks off your faces.
Luminous indeed. A beautiful, talented lady. I had the great pleasure of seeing a number of her performances in a Naruse retrospective. She will be missed, but thanks to your article and the important work of archivists. Her films will enchant audiences for centuries to come. Rest In Peace, beautiful lady.
Capaldi and Coleman were both superb, but the fact that this is just the first of three episodes really undercuts any really tension and dampens the emotional impact of the "death". Who noticed that the machine is Gallifreyan in origin? Did Steven Moffat clear this very derivative script with his friend Neil?
A pitiful sliver are available on DVD. DVD is not a preservation medium. It is far to low resolution for that. PAL DVD is 768x576i, NTSC DVD is 768x480i.
Blu-ray is 1920 x 1080P with a current maximum dual layer storage of 50GB.
The digital cinema equivalent is a 2K (2048x1080) DCP, approx 200GB. Which is what you will…
Not as fragile as video, analogue or digital. But yes it needs to be preserved. Not just mainstream studio pictures or the classic independents, Home movies of the family, sporting events, social gatherings. Those millions of feet of celluloid of various gauges that have recorded our respective cultures. The decline…
Sounds like a right pack of Cunts!
Don't fuck it up.