
What a great loss. A brilliant craftsman who made it look so easy, so simple. He leaves behind a large body of fantastic work, that I will, with a mix of sadness and joy, revisit in the coming weeks. I tip the high hat your way Sir, with the greatest of respect and fondness. Thankyou, Bravo.

What a contrast this 50th anniversary year makes with the "Doctor Who" celebrations of 2013. We get the third iteration of the spectacle driven, souless rehash, that is Trek in name and iconography only. We get a spiffy remaster of "The Wrath Of Khan", but yet again, there's a QC cock up. No sign of a 4K or even a 2K

Watch out red shirts! Fuller's gunna really fuck you up! Starfleet's danger pay may have to be renegotiated.

Nah, audiophiles will continue to leave it in the discount bin. It felt flat and lifeless from track one. Perhaps they shoulda called it Digital? It's all just numbers, without a groove.

Very sad, shocking news. I just saw a news banner headline on ABC News Breakfast. A tragic reminder of the fragility and preciousness of life. What a great talent.
He was a highlight of Star Trek. He nailed that role and I have had the pleasure of seeing him in a range of roles. Just last week I finally caught up with

We wil have to agree to disagree, but you argue your point with passion and you can write (A pleasant surprise on the inner webby).
I love good and great action, adventure and plot driven films of spectacle. I am a huge Bond fan.
I love to be taken from my sad, humdrum life and thrust into amazing, globe hopping,

Oh, YES please!
On Her Majesty's Secret Service..
Oops, my choc top melted.

Oh, ho hum. Well that's done. Thanks A.V. Club for saving me twenty bucks. Mr Lin's credit at the head of the presentation pretty much says it all. More of the same empty headed, soulless spectacle. The iconography of Star Trek, stripped of Gene Roddenberry's vision. I'll wait for Bryan Fuller's interpretation next

Give him a cigar to chomp and a good script to steer by and we're in business.
A brilliant visual stylist, solid actors' director (believe it or not), but not so hot on judging the worth of a script. Fingers crossed.

A remarkable, courageous and yes, beautiful lady who has survived the challenges of addiction and mental illness that tragically claim so many lives, year after year.
I don't think I'm going out on a limb by saying that the majority of Star Wars fans were overjoyed to see her return to the franchise. As others' have

False equivalence.
Vinyl is quite rightly held as the great audio format. Yeah, it wears with age. as do all things of any worth. Yet, if you wish to archive audio for centuries to come, vinyl is the way to go. Like its' fellow analogue warhorse film it is a stable, dependable, high resolution medium Unlike digital

Hey, you know Disney are hardcore about intellectual property rights and twisting arms globally to extend their copyrights. I think Kathleen Kennedy has enough sense to know the importance of keeping fans onside. I'm guessing this would be covered by fair use as an art project.

Amen brother, Amen.

Ohhh My…..
Someone pass the tissues, please?
Sorry, but VHS was/is a shit system. Thanks though, for some seriously warm and fuzzy nostalgia. Absolutely brilliant work. Highly illegal,fines and jail time work, but very cool. Two big thumbs up!

Hmph, the cheek!

Crumbs DM, sounds like a stinker!

"Perhaps Ridley decided that being one bad ass with an accent…"
What accent?
You and I possess accents. Ms Ridley is an English woman, speaking English.

Absolutely! That's why i face palmed as soon as I saw the first trailer. Just a lazy cash in, taking the Nolan brother's brilliant work and thinking of it as some kind of template you could apply to any comic book movie. Idiots!

The film is such a mess in its' present form that it's impossible to judge the actor's capabilities. It is such a jaw droppingly incompentent production. How did such a trainwreck occur in such a cautious, micro-managed industry?

It shines, real nice.