
I would say that Kido is a bad guy too;
Hitler wants to stop a nuclear attack on Japan at a time when Japan cannot retaliate against Germany (how frikin' noble is that?).
Kido wants to prevent Japan being provoked into starting a war with Germany that Germany will escalate to nuclear attack at a time when Japan has no

If you're p*ssed about spoilers, why are you Googling the damn show?

I agree with everything you've said. The book doesn't go any further than the show already has, so in that sense, Dick's premise has run it's course, and the essential plot issue; a secret Nazi plan to launch a pre-emptive massive nuclear strike on the Japanese, has been foiled, but does not preclude massive nuclear

Will there be a season 2? The book at the show have already ended at the same place.

Since Tamogami can cross over/experience other realities, there's no reason why Trudy couldn't have done the same and been killed, or the Trudy that Julianna saw came from somewhere else, after all, the films aren't coming from their reality either, but do exist there.

Yeah, Joe never seemed to be really 'smart'.

Yes, a show that (essentially) leaves you rooting for Hitler and an SS officer who (since he is a loyal Nazi) seems likely to euthanize his own son, is a masterpiece of narrative.

In the novel, Julianna and Joe go to see TMITHC who wrote an alternative history book in which the Allies won the war (he didn't make movies). But in his book- The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, his Allied victory and war is not the same as our history, but another 'alternative' history. After meeting TMITHC at a cocktail

Err, yeah, Julianna's been oppressed by Japanese fascist occupiers who executed her sister, so yes she's learned not to appear defiant and get randomly shot by the secret police. This is not the same as assimilating Japanese culture, unless you agree that Japanese culture is fascist, oppressive, and bullying (which it

Yes, that's the conclusion I came to. It's very subversive, but then that's what good SF should be. And Hitler (however bad in this alternate 1962) is still nowhere as evil as Heydrich and his plot to exterminate the Japanese Empire with a massive provoked nuclear attack (literally hundreds of millions of people).