
I don't know what to tell you.

I'm not sure I understand your point. I was mentioning, among other middle eastern issues, the Israeli occupation of Palestine, arguing that there were other choices SNL could make if they wanted to make a sketch about that region rather than this ugly, stupid, racist trope.

If you sincerely and seriously see no difference between dressing up as French to parody a French dance film or speaking with British accent to parody Victorian era murder mystery versus two guys corrupting an American high school fundraiser with made up names/titles, bribing the boys with 200-virgin rooms and

Darryl Hammond portrayed a specific black person, Jesse Jackson, and not some generic black caricature, unlike the Arabs (who were given imagined titles and names). Even then, Mr Hammond treaded lightly, and spoke like Jesse Jackson, not generic black stereotype. Mr Hammond at no time, for example, extolled the

Not booing anyone.

Would you apply that logic to blackface? Or to cosmetically slanted eyes and buckteeth to portray Asians?

Fair enough, and I catch your drift. But even though the sketches are written by different writers, the decision to air is fairly unilaterally Lorne Michaels, right? (I'm asking because I am uncertain)

You've got it backwards, dear.
The ISRAELIS regularly argue no such thing as Palestinians so that they can dispossess them and pretend that they are not committing war crimes.

My comment below was written in response to this comment by "Boss," apparently now deleted:
It was specifically a joke about the dictator of Qatar and the dictator of Kuwait. If you cant see it, you should probably shut up.
6:05 p.m., Sunday March 6"

"You only started treating him with respect when he started talking about Palestine (and after he told you to EABOD, because that's okay as long as he hold views similar to yours)."

YOU made the claim that these sketches exist.
You prove it.
I demonstrated that I looked already, and that cupboard is bare.
Sorry I had to tell YOU that.

I'm just addressing your concerns and illustrating your hypocrisy. Israel is one of many middle eastern issues that SNL can comment on instead of the garbage sketch from last night. Qatar labor is another. Assad is another. I've already written this.
But for some reason, just the criticism of Israel seems to have

"You claim that SNL hasn't addressed this topic because you can't remember any sketches about it, but expect me to do the work to refute your idiotic conspiracy."
There aren't any SNL sketches critical of Israel's decades long role in the occupation of Palestine because there aren't any. You disagree. The onus is on

"Not every issue is black and white, and not everyone who disagrees with your kneejerk reactions is some racist, ignorant fear-monger" says the guy who just called me Mel Gibson.

"Now you've just gone crazy. You've assumed.. .Da Kine was bigoted…" says the guy who just called me Mel Gibson.

Lighten up, Netanyahu. Expecting the Israelis to cease apartheid/war crimes against the Palestinians is not antisemitic despite what the Birthright Israel trips might have told you.

It is what it is.

Okay if this is merely an issue with semantics, and you think "bigoted" is more appropriate, okayfine.

I'm saying that there are issues in the middle east that are deserving of attention. That SNL comedy can be biting and instructional, too. That a comedy sketch can challenge mythologies rather than further them.
I chose to illustrate that with other middle eastern issues.
Someone already mentioned Qatar abusive use of

He said, now, this is from the QUOTE, that if you called this sketch racist, then you had a shitty degree and should have learned sociology/anthropology.