
Adam carolla is actually really funny. I noticed you slighted him in this review.

I don't see whats problematic. A lot of white characters have died and Bob was originally white in the comics.

I agree that the writers have been very poor at character development. A lot of the characters happen to be black. I honestly think it's just a coincidence. Perhaps I came on too strong with you. There are other posters that I could of directed my rant to…

Okay the Ferguson reference was a bit random. Most police officers try to do the right thing. The bob character was actually white in the comics. So are you implying that the writers are some how treating the black characters unfairly? You sound very politically correct. How much racism do you think exists in this

I did your nit picking here. There's been a lot of white characters that died and pretty much all of the villains have been white.

Why does it have to be about race?

Why does everything have to be about race?