
Well maybe this episode without context didn't feel particularly complex or subtle, but I think, being not only part of a series-wide character arc, but one that's still ongoing… it helps and feels more on-point than some of the other arcs that have been brought up. I didn't see this episode as an 11-minute summary on

But is it something the Pope would enjoy?

Man, I remember what bothers me about HateSong most of the time.

Actually I'm more surprised that by the time I'm almost done with college, they'll still be squeezing the life out of this series.

Surely you jest about grown, loud, angry, neckbeardrd men wanting to enjoy something as innocuous as MLP.

Looks like Dikachu is out of work there.

Knowing David Lynch, we might get a DVD release focusing on the coffee-flavored gum before more Twin Peaks.

On the one hand: Nic Cage.

Why have you forsaken us, God?

Alias Conrad Coldwood's Empty Warehouses from the game OFF, played during the only "safe zone" you are in, and the first zone you're in the whole game when it serves as an introduction/tutorial. Even though it's calm and relaxful, the second half of the song has some off-kilter, if somewhat playful sounding, notes

I thought it was Bow Wow changing his name that was the leading cause of death. What is it, scientists??

Certainly felt like perpetuation. That show always rubbed me the wrong way.

Pink is a great album, as well as Heavy Rocks (2002). They're perfect entries as it shows off both their traditional stuff and their more experimental stuff in one package.

If anything, I think this is one of the best releases of the year, sans that cheesy, bland J-Pop song that multiple other J-Pop artists ahve done, but better.

This is why I love Hear This; bands I'd never find or show interest in are suddenly stuff that I need to track down. Especially noisy-as-Hell-rock recorded on low-quality devices.

When Gira chants "Hallelujiah" in She Loves Us, I get chills running down my spine.

Sgt McDonald's Lonely Big Mac Club Band

Pot is no joke!

Interesting how they uploaded music of mine not only without my permission, but music that is supposedly accessible after paying for an app, music that i've been trying to rid all traces off from wherever i can

Probably one of the most influential albums I can think of on a personal level. Though McCartney's solo work overall is nothing compared to Lennon or even my personal favorite Harrison, Band on the Run rivals their work tremendously.