Rob Kay

Don't be a Cry-Baby about it.

Let's just hope this isn't because he's fallen ill.

He referred to the big baddie as 'The Beast'. Thats what I'm going with.

This could also be for 'The Beast' in M. Night's SPLIT/UNBREAKABLE sequel. I'm just going to ignore the hashtags, cause I'm looking more forward to that than this X-MEN sequel.

Its rare when a filmmaker creates a "Perfect" film. Robert Zemeckis did it with BACK TO THE FUTURE. Spielberg made his with JAWS. Verhoeven's was ROBOCOP. Then he came back 10 years later and did it again with STARSHIP TROOPERS. Don't @ me.

"We have such sights to show you!"

And here I thought this story was one of those terrible April Fools Day articles. Please god no.

My issue was the lack of Japanese actors in many roles aside from periphery characters, henchmen, or gangsters. Chief Aramaki and Motoko's Mom (doesn't even get a name) are the only actual Japanese actors that get significant speaking roles. Even Togusa was played by a Singaporean actor. And thats not even mentioning

Saget was the best on that one QUANTUM LEAP episode.

If Leo can get nominated for grunting and groaning his way through a movie, then MBJ should get a nod for the boxing movie.

"Dear sirslud,

The timing of AVC's post so soon after BMD's makes it a bit suspicious is all.

Please check out the timestamp on BMD's post to answer your first question. A bit curious that AVC posts the video so soon after BMD. Just saying. Relax buddy, I don't think the folks here need your protection.

Is AVClub just swiping content from birthmoviesdeath.com or is it just me? At least give 'em some credit for finding and posting it first. Geez…