
Such I good idea! I just finished watching DS9 and she is officially my fav.

Raimy is my cousin's name and it's short for Raimy

But we the audience did not know that was why she was doing all this.

Are we? At this stage i feel a delphine reveal might not happen until the last moments of the finale.

You can't put arrow and orphan black on the same scale. The worst orphan black episode is still miles better then the best arrow episode.

Haha. I was theorising with my sister and came to the conclusion Sarah Stubbs is the mastermind of it all.

This whole guessing game with Delphine is getting more frustrating than Glenn on the walking dead.

I expected them to seed the story for season 4 better than just putting it in the last ten mins. In previous seasons they had seeded the story for the next season way back in the early episodes. The whole global warming thing therefore felt very shoehorned.

A gay disney princess is going to happen. I just hope I can bring my kids along to it and not my grandkids.

Yay! Ruby and Dorathy are together! Then i saw next weeks promo and they were no where to be seen, so i guess thats it then?
I actually really liked Dorothy but i felt like the actress and charavterization would have been better suited for Megara.

From this episode you can see that Kim Shumway (the writer) had the foresight to see what storylines the audience would take issue with this season and tried to fix them. the fact that jasper has been grieving forever over maya and bellamy's perplexing quick turn to the dark side, she addressed both of these issues in

Raven and Clarke's relationship is one of my favorites. They have every reason to hate one another but they don't they have great mutual respect for each other.

I want to see more Lagetha she feels so sidelined.

I previously thought it harsh when i saw people were going after the CW sponsorship but now it seems neccesary. Like for Christsake how did the higher ups thing the optics would look by killing 88percent of their lesbian characters in a month.

Agree whole heartedly

Can jessica harmon please go back to the 100.

wasn't actually until this episode that i was sold on Kane