
I agree. plot, story and character need to function as one and a whole. But I don't need to be spoon fed or given every answer to every riddle the show may pose.( a weary lesson i learnt after watching the Donnie Darko Directors Cut, which I've tried to forget as much as i can)

you're talking about the plot. which is fine and all, but should be more concerned with the story of the two detectives. thats what keeps you coming back. Mystery is great and all but can't sustain itself. Great drama will always come back to the empathy and actions of characters, and we got that for an entire season.

he was alive, you could see him breathing, but his mind was mush at that point.

does anyone what rusts last words are? i couldn't make them out.

i think audrey has been to Carcosa, don't you? uh oh.

baffles me that people thinking that the marginalisation of female characters amounts to poor writing or lurid objectivity, as though it hasn't been purposefully written this way.

I wonder this though, does Chambers book exist in the True detective Universe OR does the "play" itself exist in it?

the look he had on his face was the look of man seeing that he's going to relive that moment and others just like it…and then repeat again. and again. and again.

Plus, i'm going to read he King in Yellow, which also sounds similar to The White Hotel, in weird subversive imagery.

unwittingly involved, as perhaps suggesting he is the sort of man who breeds and allows victims to grow through his inattention, as he so beautifully put.
The way he is, is feeding the psychosphere, just as much as Cohle or the murders are…

Harts biggest admittance is, in his own words, his "Inattention".
An admittance that due to the lack of understanding and approach-fulness, even the judging of his own daughters and family for not being a certain way or acting in a certain way, not paying attention to the signs his daughter was exhibiting, with the

i would also say the all in Blue chief policeman (not sure what rank he is) who set up anti-christian task force and was always chewing is possibly involved too. I wouldn't be surprised if one or both of the 2012 detectives are now involved and helping pin the case onto Russ.

Carter? you mean Hart? woody's character?

he did yes, a reminder for him, cause he saw that billboard the first time he left the crime scene of dora lange.

those were reports of missing people/ women i believe. remember the girl that was reported missing in first episode, said to have gone with her real father, then it was Reported as "made in error".

As Russ says, Time is a circle and we are all doomed to repeat it.