
it's the one on the far right, isn't it?

why are all of this guy's posts deleted? he can't have been that bad of a commenter if everyone is replying to his comments in a friendly manner. hey, mister or missus moderator, creepy curator of pop culture marginalia, you thin-skinned, pearl-clutching, pants-wetting freak:

yeah it was pretty bad

like i appreciate that you have read a cracked article in your day but it doesn't change that subway is gross and yoga mat is so perfectly apt as a descriptor for the texture of subway bread that it crosses over from fiction to fact into the realm of poetic truth.

the ironic repetition of subway's EAT FRESH slogan in community has led to me eating subway ironically giggling at EAT FRESH while i choke down dirty lettuce on yoga mat bread

jb was the tits in bernie

good television doesn't need to be mollycoddled beema

im pretty sure cumberpatch is a reptilian shapeshifter due to his unnaturally smooth skin. humans have pores. his bone structure is weird too. his limbs are too long. i bet he has retractable claws.

did somebody really get blocked for not liking ralph fiennes i mean that is criminal but it sounds a little excessive in my humble opinion please don't block me

i want to read the deleted comments

i don't think that would be an adequate test of intelligence, in my humble opinion.

sure but the iced pizzolaté is on point

i dont think my previous reply to you went through but i want to assure you alien jesus that i find your longwinded whining and angry outbursts to be extremely dignified and manly and i would consider it a great kindness to me if you would take me in your strong arms and make love to me.

it calls to mind the great tragedies of our age, the sinking of the titanic or the hurricanes in haiti. perhaps pizzaloto will console himself with the millions he made ripping off better writers. who's to say, really.

probably, because it kinda is ridiculous trash and people treating it as prestige drama or bemoaning its failings as social commentary are frankly ridiculous people with absurd opinions

this doesnt sound like something i'd enjoy playing, but i'm happy that other people will find joy playing it and that's good enough for me. you guys knock yourselves out i'll be over here basking in your happiness.

both. everybody is teetering precariously upon this guy's dick because of the direction and performances in s1 but it became clear to me he was a hack when he was busted ripping off dialogue wholesale from struggling writers and comic books and other sources and refused to take any responsibility for it.

perhaps you have overstated the av club's power to make or break television shows

maybe what the reviewer saw sucked and you shouldn't take it personally

i've been eagerly anticipating the pizzolato backlash with a fervor bordering on sexual.