
Holy shit, i thought i was the only one that thought that

No, but i will take a look. Thanks

I read both articles.

I don't care one bit whether you think i am lying about not being white. Why not make a comment about the argument i made rather than make a personal attack denying my honesty about my race/ethnicity? I'll wait.

" I tripped over a Michael Arceneaux piece about it on my way to the bathroom this morning."

Gotta agree with this dude. I am absolutely in favor of same sex marriage, and this song has an important message, but beyond its message, it sucks. The beat is wack, the "flow" is wack, its just a totally forgettable song. Personally, i could not care less that it won a grammy or whatever as those awards shows are

Crash x 1000. Went to see it with a few friends and ALL of them loved it except for me. Had i gone alone, i would have walked out. No question. There is suspension of belief and then there is preposterously stupid beyond anything. Crash fits into the latter category.

Neither is toothpaste